Paytra Details Her Songwriting Process And Talks About Her New Single ‘You Got The Sauce’

A music artist you need to know!

Her relatable lyrics paired with her incredible voice makes Paytra a music icon in the making. She recently released a new single titled ‘You Got The Sauce’. And spoiler alert: it’s a bop!

We had the amazing honor of talking with Paytra about celebrating pride month, advice for aspiring musicians, and more!

What inspired you to be a musician?

P: “Music was always my language. Like when I was a young shy girl with no confidence, I really found
myself and felt so confident at the piano playing and singing. When I write music, I feel like I know exactly
what I want to say and how to say it (versus real life when I can’t really express myself with words). It’s
the only thing that ever came easy to me.”

What was the inspiration behind your new song, You Got The Sauce?

P: “The inspiration was those bad self-image days when you look in the mirror and don’t feel good about
yourself. We all have those days… I wrote this song to remind myself (and everyone else) that they are
the sh*t and they got the sauce, even on bad days :-).”

What is your creative process when you write new music?

P: “My main priority is always, “What message is this track or sound or guitar riff giving me? What do I want
to say?” I think once I figure out what that is, the rest of the song comes easily. After I have the idea
sketched out, my producer and I go in and “bludgeon” the song.. which sounds terrible lol, but what that
means is we go and figure out every single detail. Every lyric, every harmony, every moment, every little
sound you might not even hear. Sometimes it takes a day or two. Sometimes it takes months. We think of
each song as an “adventure” — because some of the songs really do have crazy adventures lol.”

If you could open a show for any artist, who would it be?

P: “Lizzo, Beyonce, or Ariana Grande, hands down. Their crowds are so hype, and I feel like my music would fit perfectly before they go on.”

How would you describe the music scene in New York?

P: “It’s so inclusive. I feel like artists are always supportive of each other, even amongst the high competition. I’ve never been to a show that I didn’t leave making friends with the other artists/band members. I also feel like New York is so full of life. Rainy Tuesday night with a flash flood warning? No problem— all the shows are still going on and thriving! Lol.”

Happy Pride! How are you celebrating this month?

P: “HAPPY MF PRIDE!!! I’m celebrating by making music that embraces who I am. By reminding all my dear friends/supporters on social media that they are beautiful. And by blasting my last single, “Motherfuckin’ Misfit American Anthem,” whenever I can :).”

What piece of advice do you have for aspiring musicians?

P: “Follow your gut. It’s easy to get caught up in “trends” or “what you SHOULD be doing.” Do you. There’s no blueprint for this industry, but what I can tell you is once I started being myself, it all made sense. I didn’t follow trends… I followed my gut. And that will always be #1.”

Where can we follow your incredible journey?

P: “My website , or my Instagram @Paytra_ or tiktok @paytra 🙂 Let’s be friends!”

Make sure to stream ‘You Got The Sauce’, available now on all music platforms!

Loryn Maul- Entertainment/Celebrity Reporter– Is an entertainment reporter at New Scene, where she writes about exclusive interviews. She prides herself on staying on top of the entertainment trends. She is also an experienced publicist in the B2B SaaS space.

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