Devrie Brynn Donalson Talks About Her Book ‘You’re Gonna Die Alone (& Other Excellent News)’

From TikTok stardom to a published author!

This definitely isn’t the first time you’ve heard of Devrie Brynn Donalson. She’s known on social media for her undeniable humor and relatable comedy. And now, she’s expanding her career even more with the release of her debut book ‘YOU’RE GONNA DIE ALONE (& OTHER EXCELLENT NEWS)’. And if she doesn’t win at least one award from this novel, the book world is rigged!

We had the amazing honor of talking with Devrie about her favorite books, her success, and more!

What inspired you to write your debut book ‘You’re Gonna Die Alone (& Other Excellent News)’?

D: “I think so many of us spend our precious time in pursuit of love, acceptance, and in avoidance of being abandoned, we don’t really realize that we aren’t entirely at home in ourselves, even when it feels like we might be. There are a lot of books out there about finding community, but I wanted to ask another question: is the key to finding community finding community in yourself first? Is loving with loose hands, unafraid to let people come and go with grace, the true path to finding healthy connection? Is it possible to give yourself what you have searched for in others and actually feel content? Does the love we actually deserve only find us when we clear it room and turn over tired soil? You’re Gonna Die Alone (& Other Excellent News) asks questions about change, about fate, about what we’ve always believed is true versus what could be. It asks the reader if they are living their life on purpose, and if not, do they perhaps have the courage and self-trust to do so?”

Besides your own, what is your current favorite book to read?

D: “My favorite books to read and re-read are The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse, Bird by Bird by Anne Lammott, The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce, and the Shades of Magic series by V. E. Schwabb.”

I’m currently reading The Fragile Threads of Power by V.E. Schwabb, None of This is True by Lisa Jewell, and The Family Lore by Elizabeth Acevedo.”

How would you personally describe your comedy/sense of humor?

D: “If you like Lorelei Gilmore, Fleabag, the general brand of ruckus that is raccoons, chaotic good swashbucklers, messy-bunned and refried-bean-stained women – you’ll probably have a laugh.”

You have over 40-Million likes on TikTok! What has been your reaction to your success?

D: “Gratitude! It all feels like a dream to me. The fact that so many people, and wonderful people at that (which is not always a guarantee on the internet), have found solace, laughter, hope, joy, and the feeling of being seen in the content I create is incredible. 

It’s also so validating. So much of the work I create is only possible because of the many years of work I’ve already put in, particularly around my personal journey. A lot of that work in our lives is hard to tie directly to success. So what, I confronted my intergenerational trauma? Is that gonna pay my bills? In my case, hopefully, it will. As long as other people want to read about it and hopefully get some helpful tips for confronting theirs, too.”

If you could collab with another hilarious content creator, who would it be and why?

D: “I’d probably have to say Elyse Meyers. We’re just the same brand of goofy, slightly disheveled, humor on the nose and heart on the finish type of gal. I think we’d probably just laugh, and we’d both probably deserve it.”

What is the biggest takeaway you want your followers to get from your book?

D: “The last chapter is called Everything the Kids Should Know and is sort of a list of my best advice should I finally let my hubris get the best of me and be smote by a vengeful god. I think the biggest takeaways are there, but if I had to choose a few? You’re allowed to say goodbye. You’re allowed to change. You’re allowed to choose love. You’re allowed to choose peace. Shrek 2 is the best of the Shrek franchise. Be your own best friend and confidant. You’re allowed to be free.”

Do you think you would write another book in the future?

D: “I am already working on two! The first is a nonfiction exploration of Friendship Breakups, and I hope that finds a publishing home soon. The second is a very fun novel set in Scotland, complete witty banter, sexy kilted men, a cast of quirky characters, a loveable heroine (or two), and it asks questions about family, love, grief, change, and what it means to come home.”

Where can we follow your amazing journey?

D: “You can follow me on TikTok and Instagram @devriebrynn.”

Make sure to check out Devrie’s website to find out how to get your own copy of this amazing book!

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