Singer Charlotte Summers Talks AGT, Winning Awards, And Biggest Music Inspirations

This singer is truly a child prodigy!

Gaining fame from being a fan-favorite on America’s Got Talent, Charlotte Summers voice is incredible, especially given her age. Over the years she’s earned countless awards and well over 5 Million Likes on Social Media.

We had the absolute honor of interviewing Charlotte on all things music journey, Beyonce, and her favorite moment so far!

Q: How did you first embark on your musical journey?

C:” I started singing when I was 5 or 6 at school. We did lots of fun school plays. One of my teachers told my parents that were auditions for Les Miserables, and I got the part of young Eponine. The producer told the Voice Kids that I should be on that and I got on and made it to the semi finals – I was nine.”

Q: What was your experience like on America’s Got Talent?

C:I was really excited about it and it was a dream to go on… so my dream came true. I met lots of really talented people , and made lots of friends. Appearing on stage made me feel like i had lots of power. It was a very special moment and I got a standing ovation which was amazing.

Q: Do you have any musical artists you look up to?

C: “I really like lots of singers and different types of music. Whitney Houston, Amy winehouse, Beyonce. I also love how Jennifer Hudson sings. I love old soul songs and singers that tell a story.

Q: You are an award-winning singer. What has been your reaction to your success?

C: “It has been great.  I have had a lot of help from others to help me get on. But I have a lot more that I want to offer.

Q: What is a piece of advice you want to give to young girls wanting to sing?

C:I would say, don’t let anyone else’s opinion stop you. Keep fighting for your dreams and you will get where you want to go.

Q: You are amazing at covers. What has been your favorite?

C: “One of my favorites was ‘Purple Rain’ by Prince, which reminds me of when I was little. I was able to really give it my own spin and enjoyed doing it.

Q: What has been your favorite highlight of your career so far?

C: Little Big Shots was fantastic and I loved having the interview with Steve Harvey, and the reaction of the crowd after I sang. Also my trip to Japan, where I won a TV show , the whole experience was amazing , the people were so nice and it was great fun. Everything about Japan was so different. That was very special.

Q: Where can we follow your amazing journey?

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