“The Flash”s Stephanie Izsak Talks DC, Acting, And The Spotlight

Stephanie Izsak is definitely one to watch! 

Best known for her role as Officer Daisy Korber in the hit series ‘The Flash’ Stephanies talent doesn’t just stop at acting. Since starting her career Stephanie has written directed and produced films as well as acting. 

We caught up with Stephanie to find out more about what it’s like working in the industry, all about her love of cats and what she has planned for the future. 

Q. You are an amazing actor, writer, producer, director; is there anything you can’t do? 

S: ‘That’s very kind. Yeah, I can’t do many, many things. I don’t think I could ever be a DP (director of photography). They manipulate light to make a shot look a certain way. My brain can not compute. But also, I’m just a restless person. Waiting around for auditions doesn’t work for me. I need to feel engaged and love the filmmaking process, so the last year or two have been about pushing myself to learn and grow to always be working.”

Q. If you could only do one [act, write, produce, or direct] for the rest of your career which one would you choose and why. 

S: “I couldn’t choose between acting and writing. Acting has been the thing I’ve pursued the hardest and most consistently, the first form of expression I fell in love with, but writing has stolen some of the spotlight, especially this last year as we’ve been cooped up. And becoming a better writer has undoubtedly made me a better actor, and becoming a director has made me a better actor and writer…you see where I’m going? Couldn’t choose.”

Stephanie Izsak - IMDb

Q. You’ve been in the industry since 2013 what has been the highlight of your career so far? 

S: “Every job has been a growing experience. I think I’m still working towards the jobs that I’ll look back at and feel the most satisfaction from, but honestly, I feel like a kid in a candy store every time I’m on set. I’m completely biased, but I think the people in this industry, for the most part, are just the best. People who learn how to make a living doing what we do usually don’t come at it from a place of desperation or need, they come at it from a place of creativity and joy in the collaboration and a simple passion for it. Whenever I’m in it, I’m blissed out. I know I’m gushing, I’m a gusher.” 

Q. Who’s been the most inspirational person to work with? 

S: “That’s a tough one. I’m had some incredible moments on set with really inspiring, veteran actors. I think the most inspiring moments have actually been when I’ve watched an actor who’s been doing this for you know, maybe thirty-plus years, arrive on set and step into that leadership role that a lot of sets look to actors to fulfill. Being good on camera is a big part, but it’s not the whole job. You also need to be someone people want to work with. Actors can carry a lot of power on a set, and I get inspired when I see an actor know and own that and set a standard of positivity and joy for the work and one another.”

Q. Do you have any advice for someone trying to get into the industry right now.

S: “I coach from time to time as well, and I try to tell young or new actors….don’t make this career about you. Focus on being really good at your job, and remind yourself that it’s a job. Yes, it’s also deeply expressive and creative, but it’s a job. Be good at it. That’s how you get the job. Be great to work with. That’s how you get more jobs. It’s not about you, it’s about the job. Also- get a therapist, because maturity and handling rejection are a big part of this job!”

Q. You starred as ‘Officer Daisy Korber ‘ in The Flash. If you could be a superhero what would be your superhero name and what powers would you have? 

S: “If you spend any time on my Instagram, you know that I take a lot of photos of cats in my neighbourhood. I guess you could call me a catarazzi. At least that’s what I call myself. So yes, I think I should be some kind of feline with the ability to speak to other felines. Like Catwoman’s less impressive cousin. “

Q. Do you prefer DC or Marvel? 

S: “My paychecks come from DC, so DC all the way. “

Everything Geek Podcast Interview Tomorrow- Stephanie Izsak - Everything  Geek Podcast

Q. Do you have any projects coming soon? 

S: “So gushy-happy to say that yes, I have four film projects in post-production, all to be released later in 2021 or early 2022. We’re also putting together financing for my next film to direct, a psychological horror short called Parabola about the intersection of grief, addiction, and psychedelics, which we’re hoping to film in the fall. Investors welcome!

And of course, Officer Daisy is always hanging around the Central City precinct, waiting to be called up!”

Q. Have you ever been starstruck before? Who was it with?

S: “Absolutely. When I was 14 I met Julie Andrews on her speaking tour. I told her I equated Mary Poppins with god. She laughed and I cried the entire car ride home. “

Q. Where can we follow your amazing journey?

S: “Come see my cat photos on Instagram! @stephanieizsak. “

Photo Credits:

Cover Image and Image 1 by Kristine Cofsky. 

2. As Officer Daisy Korber from CW’s The Flash.3.=

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