Rising Country Singer Lexi Gail Talks Performing, Nashville, And Debut Single “Happy Endings”

This rising country star is a legend in the making. Known for her powerful tone and outstanding songwriting skills, Lexi has set foot in the music industry and we couldn’t be happier.

We had the honor of talking with Lexi on all things Nashville, songwriting, and her personal goals for her career.

Q: Tell us about your debut single “Happy Endings”.

L: “I’ve written hundreds of songs in my life but this song felt like that moment where everything I’d ever aimed for as a writer just clicked into place. I was twenty years old and in love for the first time, discovering my identity, and learning about life independently from the environment I grew up in. But instead of just sitting in my catalog, this song kept growing alongside me. The circumstances that inspired it didn’t define it and that’s when I knew that “Happy Endings” was the first song I had to release. It became a picture of love no matter the kind and, most importantly, a picture of my faith in God. 

“Happy Endings” has been a big part of me cementing my foundation as not only an artist, but as a human being and the kind of person I want to be.”

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  • Q: Your first ever single has already gained 10K+ Streams. What has been your reaction to your success?

L: “It has been such an amazing surprise to me! I have a fairly small fan base at the moment and am only right at the beginning of my journey as an artist. They have been absolutely amazing and supported me so well during my first release. It means so very much to me. I am beyond excited to start getting more of my music into the world soon!”

Q: Do you find your talent for songwriting as important as your talent of singing?

L: “I know many singers who just sing and many writers who just write. I think that’s where songwriting comes in for me personally- I would just be a singer without my love for writing and just a writer without my love for singing. 

I genuinely love to do both, and it is because of this that I became a writer of songs. They work together for me and one wouldn’t really be without the other. So, yes, they are equally important to me!”

Q: Did moving to Nashville affect your music/music taste?

L: “Absolutely, in the very best ways! I went to Lipscomb University for commercial music and ended up gaining so much knowledge from that experience. I was taught about where music came from, how it has shaped and evolved over the centuries, and I was given lots of amazing current artists to dig into while in my songwriting courses. 

Along with all of this, I got to meet many incredible musicians and write with some of the best out there today. Living in Nashville never ceases to inspire me or expand my musical pallet!”

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  1. Q:What are your music goals?

L: “I want to do music for the rest of my life. And as far as that takes me, I will be happy to go! I know that this is what I’m meant to do because I could never see myself doing anything else. I am here to work hard and get my music to as many ears as possible!”

Q:What is your relationship with the stage? Have you ever had stage fright in your life?

L: “I have always loved the stage- I feel more myself there than I do just about anywhere else in the whole wide world. I get to share my heart with people and that opens the door for them to be vulnerable with me as well. I am not in this sort of career to elevate myself, I am in this to connect with people and grow alongside them. So the stage to me is a platform where I get to be who I am, make lots of new friends, and bring some light into the lives out there in my audience. That’s such a joy and an honor to me!”

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  1. Q: Where can we follow your amazing journey?

L: “I have all your standard social media’s and a website that can connect you to all of them! Everything is @ lexigailmusic and my website is www.lexigail.com. My linktree for quick access to anything is https://linktr.ee/lexigailmusic

“Happy Endings” is out now everywhere you listen to good music!

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