Jaylee Hamidi Talks About Working With Natasha Rothwell For ONYX’s ‘How To Die Alone’

An amazing actress that you need to know!

The ONYX Collective series ‘How to Die Alone’ is quickly becoming a fan-favorite TV show. The cast is immaculate, but a scene stealer is Mel’s friend Allie, who is played by Jaylee Hamidi.

We had the pleasure of speaking with Jaylee about storytelling, watching films with her wife, and more!

When did you first realize that you wanted to pursue a career in acting?

J: “I fell in love with acting at a very young age. I had done some school plays, but it was film and tv, the unique intimacy of it, that I respected and wanted to be a part of. I was enthralled with the process of making stories come to life, and the ability actors had to transform into characters. No matter what I was going through, when I put on a movie, I could escape into another world yet feel validated and seen when it came to my own lived experiences. An example would be Mrs. Doubtfire. When my parents were in the process of divorcing, it was a challenging, confusing, and a highly emotional time for me as a child. Watching that movie gave me a lot of comfort, in watching the way these parents showed up for their kids, how both the adults and children were trying to make sense of themselves during this great upheaval, and the chaos of trying to keep things together when perhaps they are better apart. I’ve always had a rich
imagination coupled with a passion for storytelling, acting was very natural for me as a highly empathetic person. The curiosity and playfulness integral to acting as a craft and discipline, and understanding and embodying authentic people and relationships is so exciting for me to do every day. I wake up and truly am so grateful that despite many hurdles and barriers, I choose to act as my career and feel so aligned.”

Congratulations on your role in ‘How to Die Alone’! What was the filming experience like? Any funny moments you can share?

J: “Thank you! Honestly, the filming experience was one of the best I’ve had in my career thus far. It was a fantastic cast and crew that Natasha Rothwell and Vera Santamaria brought together. You could feel just how genuinely everyone enjoyed the story and how excited they were to be bringing this show to life. Natasha was such an amazing leader and center for this project, and handpicking this cast that have grown into true friends. There were so many funny moments that we had. Natasha is a very musically oriented person, and that reflected in the cast and crew as well. We would often burst out into song together, and fun fact I am terrible at song lyrics, so it became a game of which lyrics I would end up swapping and changing. When you’re filming long days, it’s important to keep the energy and chemistry alive and fresh. One night Natasha, Melissa DuPrey and I played this game where you take a famous person’s name and come up
with a situation that rhymes with their name, for example, “Jack Black broke his back, now he’s gotta get a quote from Aflac!”. We had a lot of laughs that night!

Do you think you have anything in common with your character Allie?

J: “It was cool to develop Allie as a character, and to also read the scripts and be surprised with certain perspectives or traits that we shared. Kristen Bartlett, the writer for episode two, wrote in Allie having a dachshund after one of her own, Hans. I have a miniature dachshund myself, and I gasped when I read that in the script! I love dogs in general, but us wiener dog lovers have a special affection for the breed. As I shared, I am a highly empathetic person and am grateful for deeper connections which is something that I identified in Allie immediately when I first read the script and taped for the character. Allie’s the bar owner and bartender, and it’s a unique role that can often be like a therapist or shoulder to lean on with regulars and new patrons, so her highly attuned intuition and empathy makes her open to connecting with all sorts at their highs and lows; leading to her meeting “Melissa” in the first episode and the beginning of a special

How important do you see diversity in the acting industry, not only as a POC but as a queer performer?

J: “Telling stories with diverse, queer and trans characters of all abilities is purely reflective of the world we live in, so to me it is a no brainer. It is highly important for people to see themselves on-screen dynamically and wholly, especially children. Watching BIPOC characters living authentically and openly queer, free from stereotypes and not just serving as the butt of a joke in theatres and on tv screens creates a more empathetic and liberated audience. People develop the capacity to identify with others who don’t look and live like them, to appreciate the aspects that are both shared and different between their lives. It gives people the validation they seek to live freely and authentically as themselves. We have made some strides, but we still have a long way to go. Thankfully with platforms like Onyx Collective that curate globally entertaining stories by creators of color and underrepresented voices, we are seeing our world reflected on screen, like in our show How to Die Alone. Our cast is brilliant, wildly talented, and very representative of the real world we live in and tackling these themes we all experience in different ways.”

Aside from ‘HTDA’, what has been your favorite acting role thus far and why?

J: “I had so much fun working on Supernatural with Eduardo Sanchez and Jensen Ackles as Cori Kim. I’m a bit of a scaredy cat, but at the same time enjoy the freedom and play that comes with working on something eerie and scary.”

Congratulations on your marriage! Is your wife a fan of films? What is her and your current favorite movies?

J: “Thank you so much! My wife is a major fan of films and tv. We love our time together on the couch with our dog Peaches and our cat Louie on her favorite armchair. My wife has become quite the keen critic since dating me, and we really enjoy discussing movies and shows together. We are big readers and enjoy storytelling in different mediums. We’ve got a wide array of favorite movies depending on the time of the year or season and the mood we’re in for watching, but our regular movie playlist consists of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (extended editions of course), Edward Scissorhands, Ratatouille, and the original Mulan. We’ve been watching a lot more tv series lately, but our recent movie faves were Everything Everywhere All at Once, Theatre Camp, and Triangle of Sadness.”

What is your best piece of advice for people who want to pursue a career in acting?

J: “Don’t give up, lean into what makes you unique, and trust your instincts.”

Where can we follow your amazing journey?

J: “I am so grateful for all those supporting and watching my work! Storytelling is artistry, and
artistry is nothing without storytellers and artists, but also those who love to read and watch! I
am currently working on a poetry book and a children’s book; I can’t wait to share soon. I am
also on Instagram, @jayleehamidi.”

Make sure to stream ‘How To Die Alone’, available now on Hulu!

Photo Credit: Studio Aviva

Je’Kayla Crawford– Founder and Director– Je’Kayla has been a journalist for years and decided to start a publication of her own, New Scene Magazine, back in October 2020. When not helping her team and working on their print issues, you can find her watching a movie on Netflix or baking using a viral TikTok recipe.

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