Observe The 93rd Explain Their Band Name And Talk About Their Music Video For ‘Go Ahead’

A new band that you are sure to love!

Observe The 93rd is a music group that is definitely going on your favorite Spotify playlist. They recently released a music video for their song ‘Go Ahead’, and it is absolutely incredible!

We had the amazing honor of talking with 1/2 of Observe The 93rd, Derek Henry, about performing live and more!

When did you guys first realize that you wanted to create music together?

D: “10th grade. We were in the bathroom between classes and both talked about how we were looking for other musicians to jam with.”

How did you come up with your group name ‘Observe The 93rd’?

D: “It’s a reference to the observable universe. As time passes, more light is able to reach us and thus more of the universe is revealed to us. We use this as a metaphor for the human experience. The more time passes, the more we inevitably experience and discover ourselves.”

Tell us more about the process behind the amazing music video for ‘Go Ahead’.

D: “This video took the most planning of any of our videos so far. We did a good amount of location scouting prior, I had to collect a lot of props, and I made a shot list for every second of the song..which I hadn’t done in the past. So there was a very coherent vision going into filming. My mom and sister actually built the coffin for us, which was so nice of them and they did an incredible job. Our friend Niki hooked us up with the indoor filming location (Art Academy of Milton).”

If you had to choose, what is your favorite song you guys have released so far and why?

D: The answer to this would probably change depending on the day, but right now it honestly might be Go Ahead. It’s a song that addresses a lot of different emotions for me and I feel this potently when we play it live. It’s very cathartic.”

What do you enjoy the most when it comes to performing live? 

D: “It’s therapeutic. I feel like my most true self in that atmosphere. We go up and play our hearts out and are acutely tuned in to the energy and emotion of what our songs are about. We’re spastic and weird and vulnerable and always want to create an environment where the crowd feels comfortable being fully themselves and present with us.” 

If you two could collab with any fellow music artist/group, who would it be and why?

D: “It would be awesome to collaborate with Billie or MCR.  I feel like we’d make something really heartfelt and haunting.”

Can we expect more music from you in the future? Is there anything you can tease?

D: “We’re working on a new album currently. I truly think it’s the best thing we’ve ever done. It will be out before the end of 2023.”

Where can we follow your amazing journey?

www.observethe93rd.com | facebook.com/observethe93rd | IG @observethe93rd

Make sure to stream ‘Go Ahead’, available now on all music platforms!

Je’Kayla Crawford– Founder and Director– Je’Kayla has been a journalist for years and decided to start a publication of her own, New Scene. When not helping her team and working on the monthly issues, you can find her watching a movie on Netflix or baking using a viral Tasty recipe.

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