Coco Bevan Shares Her Songwriting Journey And Meaning Behind New Single ‘Bruised Ego’

A pop star!

Singer-songwriter Coco Bevan is giving us bop after bop, all the way from Australia. And now, she’s back with a brand new single ‘Bruised Ego’.

We had the amazing honor of talking with Coco about her recent single ‘Rebel Soul’, a message to her younger self, and more!

What has it been like going into the music industry?

C: “Hands down it is the most up-and-down industry to go into. Some days everything aligns and
the feeling is just euphoric. Getting to collaborate with other people and create sounds that
cause emotion is one of the coolest jobs in the world, but then there are the days of instability
and doubt, which can have a hard mental toll. Someone pointed out to me the other day that
there is a big difference between ‘Music’ and ‘The Industry’ and it’s important to not let them
overlap. Music is the reason I have chased my passion and it’s the magic of creation and
performance – it’s a little happy fairy land I love sharing with other artists and our listeners. The
industry is the darker hole of people in suits criticizing your looks, sound, social media, every
inch of you – and mainly, what is the best way to make money off you. Separating these two
worlds is the most important thing to remember.”

What inspired your song Rebel Soul?

C: “I spent a few years building my catalog of songs before finally deciding to release. When it
came time to choose my first single, a lot of songs were about boys (both good and bad!) or
specific moments in my life, and I really wanted my debut to be specifically about me. “Rebel
Soul” encompasses who I am, a person who dreams out of the box and pushes the boundaries.”

How did you know you wanted to write songs?

C: “I was actually never a fan of songwriting. My career started in musical theatre, from a young age
then studying it in college, performance was always the reason I loved music. It was in lockdown that I found this new passion for writing and sharing my story. It was such an interesting and different experience because in theatre you are always playing another character. I definitely live life on the edge and this creates hilarious, shocking, exciting, and scary moments, which have been so fun to put into music. I love collaborating with other songwriters in my sessions to help build this world.”

Tell us a little bit about your song Bruised Ego.

C: My latest single “Bruised Ego’ is a pop rock revenge banger about your classic “fuckboy.” I
wanted to write the most unapologetic, straightforward anthem to scream in your bedroom,
about wasting your time with a selfish, entitled person that realistically only hits you up when it’s
convenient for them. Created with one of my favorite producers, Liam Quinn, we mixed my love
of electronic production with beautiful live violins and guitars. It’s an emotional rollercoaster from
both the lyrics and instrumentation and I am so excited to finally share it!”

Do you have a favorite lyric you’ve written? If so, what is it?

C: “Definitely, the hook from my latest single, “Bruised Ego,” – “25 crying like a fucking brat, your
Mama taught you better than that.” I went into this 2-hour session with producer Liam Quinn
expecting to just make a fun chorus and not ever release it, so I put in all the swear words, and
totally got off my chest some built up frustration; this was only ever meant to be a bit of fun!
However, at the end, we were both like “Shit…. I think we need to release this!”

What would you tell a younger you if given the chance?

C:You did it.” I get so caught up in planning the next step and wanting more that I forget to
appreciate the moment I am in. It is only recently, after coming back from 3 months in America
writing and recording, that I have realized I am living the life a younger me could only dream
about. I am about to shoot my next music video, I am in sessions with the most talented people,
I have a ton of releases lined up, and I do what I love every single day. I literally chased a
dream I feel like most people had at age 5, and eventually give up to go into the “real world,” but
here I am. I did it.”

If you could collaborate on a song with anyone, who would it be and why?

C: My dream collaboration would be with producer Martin Garrix and songwriter Becky Hill. I
absolutely love house music and those two are the King and Queen of clean, catchy house
tunes that last forever. Once we’ve written the song, we can then jump up on stage together at a
huge festival to perform it… AHHH!! Let’s manifest, please!!”

What is your favorite thing to write songs about?

C: “My music is for all ages but definitely shares the story of those in their 20s, going through this
quarter-life crisis of pure joy one moment, and absolute stress the next. It’s a constant battle
between self-love and self-deprecation. My songs share a glimpse into my curated chaos of
love, heartbreak, manifesting, wild nights, stories that shouldn’t be shared, and all the emotions
that come in between.”

Stream ‘Bruised Ego’, available now on all music platforms!

Solstice RaeanneMusic/Mental Health Editor– Solstice Raeanne is a mental health advocate. As someone who has seen the way mental health is treated in our society they’ve wanted to make a change, and a difference. If they aren’t working, you can find Solstice on the phone scrolling through pinterest, or writing new articles and conducting interviews.

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