Samantha Blaire Cutler On Her Broadway Career, Philanthropy, And Netflix’s ‘The Watcher’

What a rising star!

From theatre to acting, Samantha Blaire Cutler can truly do it all! We are excited to see her shine in the Netflix series ‘The Watcher’, which just premiered a few days ago.

We had the amazing honor of talking with Samantha about her dream co-star list, ‘Power Book II: Ghost’, and more!

You started off your career in Broadway and theatre productions at such a young age. What inspired you to start in theatre?

S: “My mom was a huge part of my young love for performing. She was a dancer from childhood to her twenties and she introduced me to stories that had beautiful music, storytelling, and valuable lessons. I’m told, and have been shown by the countless home videos, that I began performing as soon as I could talk; it all started with dance, beginning with ballet tapes and classes, then transitioning to singing and theater, which became very prevalent in my life. My interest in theater was supported by the strong arts culture in my hometown of Louisville, KY and fostered by my dance studio, Dancensation Studios, where I first began my journey into the world of musicals. I became immersed in the local theater scene, getting the opportunities to work at different community and professional venues in the area. Nothing brought me more happiness than performing and between school, cast albums during carpool, five hours of dance a day, and rehearsal at night or on the weekends for shows, it became my whole life. But somehow as a little girl, I had the determination and enthusiasm to keep going. I even remember begging my mom to let me stay after I finished class to watch the older kids, while I mirrored their movements, practicing over and over until I got it right. 

One day, my mom saw an open call for girls ages 7-17 for Billy Elliot the Musical. We went to New York for my eighth birthday and saw the show. As soon as the Ballet Girls stepped on stage, I leaned over and told my mom that I’m going to do that someday. She asked me to seriously think about it, what it meant to move away from home, having to travel with someone else while she and my family stayed behind to work. I think it took me about a day, but my answer never changed. So off to New York we went to a 400+ open call. After about four callbacks, back and forth between NY and KY, I received the news that would change my life; I’d be going out on my first national tour.”

We have to ask for our theatre fans: Do you have a current favorite Broadway musical?

S: “I’d have to say Hadestown. The music just consumed me, on top of the incredibly talented cast, I was fully immersed in the world and story they told. Also up there is Into the Woods, which I saw with some of the other cast from Ghost because our fellow Power Universe member Patina Miller starred as the Witch and she blew my mind with her performance.”

You have merged into Television roles. Which is more challenging in your opinion: performing on stage or on-screen?

S: “While these two mediums share similarities, they are somewhat different in the challenges they present. For example, each medium requires preparation, stamina, and passion. For theatre, the challenge is being able to perform the same show eight times a week, sometimes twice a day, while keeping it alive with each new performance and audience. For TV/Film, you’re on set for up to twelve hours, (or more), doing the same scene over and over, while trying to sustain its spontaneity, energy, and emotion. Both are rewarding to work through their respective challenges, but nonetheless different.”

One of our favorite roles you have done is as ‘Becca Weston’. Do you think you have anything in common with your character?

S: Becca and I definitely come from different backgrounds in terms of wealth and social status, but we both share the desire to have our own beliefs and futures. Becca’s may stem from the preconceptions of her Upper East Side legacy last name and the dysfunctional nature of her family dynamics, but I can definitely relate to the need to make something of myself, on my own, and figure out who I am. I also aspire to have Becca’s killer fashion sense and style. I’m excited for people to see more of her in this third season, working through issues of individuality, privilege, and the change it brings.”

You have worked alongside some incredible stars, from Mary J. Blige to Naomi Watts. What is your dream co-star to work with next?

S: “I feel very grateful for the people I’ve been able to work with thus far in my career. My dream co-star list would have to begin with Jennifer Lawrence. We grew up in the same part of Louisville, but haven’t met yet despite having multiple one-degree of separation connections, such as me attending her family’s summer camp and family members who went to high school together. I have looked up to Jennifer from a young age. Not just because we were from the same place, although I take pride in my fellow Louisvillians, or that my life has slightly, unintentionally mirrored hers, but also because I admire her raw emotion in her work and how true she’s stayed to herself while navigating the entertainment business.

As a little girl, I also absolutely admired anything Anne Hathaway was a part of, from Ella Enchanted to Princess Diaries and Devil Wears Prada so to get to work with her would be a dream. And finally, Florence Pugh, the embodiment of a master class in authentic storytelling. I admire Florence’s ability to disappear and shapeshift into each role she embodies, leaving you wondering how the same person played Meg in Little Women and a badass Russian super spy in the Marvel Universe.”

Your newest project ‘Watcher’ is set to release soon. Can you tease what we might see/your role?

S: “Well, the show is based on a true story about a family that was terrorized by an anonymous stalker. And with Ryan Murphy at the helm, I’ll let you fill in the blanks. But without giving too much away, I had the pleasure of playing Patricia “Pat” Graff, a typical 90s teenage girl with a love for wispy bangs, butterfly clips, combat boots, and boys, which causes tension between Pat and her overly-protective father, John. She embraces and uses her sexuality to get what she wants, unaware of the danger it could bring to her entire family.”

You are very active with the Kentucky Health Justice Network. What inspires you to give back?

S: “I feel incredibly privileged to live in a state where I have control over my bodily autonomy. Unfortunately, that is not the case for millions of women in this country, people I know and love, and those I’ve never met. It is terrifying, but I am fortunate to be in a position where I can lend my support and resources to organizations that help others achieve ownership, autonomy, and safety in their lives.”

Where can we follow your amazing journey?

S: “You can follow me @sam_blaire on Instagram.”

Watch Samantha in ‘The Watcher’, available only on Netflix!

Photo Credits: Kat Hennessy |  Matt Tenaglia

Je’Kayla Crawford– Founder and Director– Je’Kayla has been a journalist for years and decided to start a publication of her own, New Scene. When not helping her team and working on the monthly issues, you can find her watching a movie on Netflix or baking using a viral Tasty recipe.

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