Throwback: Singer Cassie Dasilva On Writing, Taylor Swift, And Debut EP “Enough”

This new singer has definitely made her mark!

With over 2 Million streams on just Spotify alone, Cassie Dasilva is definitely an artist to watch. A true Canadian Pop Star, we can’t wait to see what more she has to offer.

We had the amazing honor of talking with Cassie on her favorite performer, her biggest goals for her career, and more!

Q: When did you first decide that you wanted to pursue music?

C:I’m not sure if it was a conscious decision, or if I’ve just never known anything else. I don’t know if it was my first piano lesson at six, or the first time I performed a song I’d written in a high school talent show at 15… I just know that when I started writing songs, my life was changed. Music has formed my identity in so many ways. I’ve tried to run from it and I’ve tried doing other things, but it always just creeps back in. Things seem to work themselves out at the exact moment I feel like giving up. It hasn’t been easy, but I think nothing worth doing ever is. I guess, in a sense, I’ve decided to pursue music every time I’ve decided not to stop.”


Q: Tell us about your debut EP “Enough”.

C: ‘Enough’ is a collection of songs that I’ve written about my experience of falling in and out of love, having my heart broken, and putting the pieces back together. I tried to be as open and honest in my writing as possible with these songs and with my journey.”

Q: What is your favorite song off of the EP and why?

C: “I love all of the songs for different reasons, but I think ‘Unsolicited Contact’ has been the most exciting song to release out into the world. It was the first single I released for this project earlier this year, and my first real attempt at releasing music independently, my own way. I’m proud of the song and the video, and how they’ve both connected with fans.  A clip of the song and its video went viral on TikTok when I explained the story of my ex texting me on my birthday (but forgetting it was my birthday), which is what inspired the song. It’s one of those songs that just flowed out of me and felt right, and it turns out that the story of my ex reaching out to me at the WORST possible time is one that so many people can relate to. It was scary to release something so personal, but it taught me a lesson about vulnerability and connection: if it’s scary, I’m probably doing something right.”

Q: What has been your reaction to receiving nearly 2 Million streams on your music?

C: “It’s hard to put faces to numbers and stats… I still feel like it’s just my friends and family listening to my music and they’re all secretly annoyed by my songs… but once you start hitting certain numbers, it’s definitely surreal. To think that my EP has almost 2M streams is mind blowing. I went into this project with one goal in mind: to make something I felt proud of that was honest and me–without worrying about what anyone else might think or say. The fact that this music is resonating with so many other people is really special to me.”

Q: When not appearing on our playlists, what do you do in your spare time?

C: “In my spare time I like to watch old rom-coms, sew, hang with my friends and family, and I love to write. I listen to a lot of music and podcasts and drive around town to clear my mind. I also make time to exercise– nothing crazy– even if for only 20-30 minutes a day, because it really helps me feel accomplished when I start my days off with a workout. I love getting outside and snowboarding, running, playing tennis, or going for walks.”

One Day in Orillia: singer Cassie Dasilva | Eat North

Q: If you could feature on a song with any artist, who would it be and why?

C: “Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift. I have been a fan since her first album came out when I was in the 6th grade. My friends and I are *slightly* obsessed, and we still have listening parties whenever she releases something new (or re-releases something old). She’s just a genius and a lyrical mastermind, and her career has inspired me so much. Writing with her would be a dream.”

Q: What are your biggest goals for your career?

C: “I have some lofty ones… but mainly, I want to be able to focus all of my energy on writing, recording and performing. As an independent artist, I wear so many hats. I’m my own manager, accountant, booking agent, accountant, grant writer, social media manager and so much more. I think it’s crucial that I’m learning everything that goes into being in this industry, but I would love to get to a place where I can have other people who I trust taking over those responsibilities so I can focus on the art of it all. Sometimes the music can get clouded over by the business side, but unfortunately they go hand in hand. As a new artist, I’m still working side jobs to keep my dream alive… I’m just looking forward to a day where I’m living the dream that I’m working so hard for.”

Q: Where can we follow your amazing journey?

C: “You can find me and my music on my website:, and all social media: TikTok: @cassiedasilva, IG: @ cassiedasilva,, and Twitter: @cassiedasilva. I like sharing my personal life and stories on social media, as well as my music and stuff I’m working on.”

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