Spiritual Pop’s Daisy Draper Talks Finding Inner Healer, Authenticity, And New Single “Let Go”

The spiritual pop star is here with a new single!

A trailblazer towards the music genre, Daisy Draper brings a unique spiritual side to the music industry. And it’s paid off; the singer-songwriter receives over 5,000 streams on her music every month.

We had the absolute honor of talking with Daisy on her new single, her music background, and her favorite book.

Q: What helped you get into the music industry?

D: “Before starting my solo project I was in a pop duo called Oceanlux. This formed the basis of my music career and helped me prepare to become a solo artist. I was able to gain experience with writing, production, music videos, networking, playing shows, marketing as well as sync and licensing opportunities. This project was the foundation of my work ethic and the skills I have today!”

Introducing: Daisy Draper - Let Go - Lefuturewave

Q: Tell us a little bit about Spiritual Pop, how would you describe it?

D: “Spiritual pop is a genre in which the song’s lyrics and emotional temperature inspire others to embark on a journey of personal growth and transformation! I use my platforms to merge spirituality with pop music in order to make it mainstream and accessible. I don’t see many artists talking about the importance of healing and inner work, and in some ways it’s even frowned upon. The societal narrative is to be, “cool,” instead of vulnerable. To not display “feelings,” rather than showing up authentically. Spiritual pop creates a path to help people step into their personal truth, wisdom and divinity.”

Q: How did you get in touch with your spiritual side?

In late 2018, I was diagnosed with a debilitating autoimmune disease. This was the beginning of a huge shift and spiritual awakening for me. Before this experience, I had ZERO desire to pursue anything of this nature. I was almost ANTI health and wellness. But I soon realized that western medicine failed to help resolve the root cause of illness and only concentrated on symptom management. Although this was helpful, I didn’t want to be sick forever.

I started becoming more open minded to the modalities of holistic health and alternative therapies, which was the catalyst of my awakening journey. I began to realize that the body stores trauma, and this trauma can manifest dis-ease and physical ailments. This phenomenon is also backed by data (which is so cool to research) in psychoneuroimmunology and neuroscience. Once I began to look inward with inner child healing and making drastic lifestyle changes, my body began to balance back into homeostasis. I’m now very passionate and eager to show others how to do the same!”

Q: What inspired you to open your Earth Angel School?

D: The Earth Angel School is my four-part workshop series that helps guide people through a spiritual awakening. Each workshop touches on various “phases” that I personally experienced within my journey. I also partner with different healers and wellness leaders that I’ve worked with in each workshop to help my community discover more resources! 

This entire concept was channeled after reading my favorite book, “The Sophia Code,” by Kaia Ra. I knew I wanted to teach people and help others, but I wasn’t sure how I’d combine pop music with my spiritual side. One day after reading a passage from Quan Yin in “The Sophia Code,” I just knew exactly what to do. I channeled the logos and symbols, the marketing plan, the context for each workshop, and who I’d reach out to in the wellness community to partner with. It’s all been a very divinely inspired experience!”

Q: Tell me a little bit about “Let Go”, if you can.

D: “Let Go,” is about shadow and inner child work. Shadow work is the act of alchemizing wounds and integrating denied aspects of self to become whole. This type of deep, inner work allows us to show up as our most authentic selves to align with The Divine Path.”

Daisy Draper - Singer | Songwriter | Topliner - Los Angeles | SoundBetter

Q: How did you discover your inner healer?

D: “This is a great question. I think I discovered my inner healer the moment I decided to trust myself. I used to only listen to everyone else and denied my intuitive instincts. I read the book, “The Anatomy of the Spirit,” by Caroline Myss back in 2018 and started heavily researching the idea of being a “medical intuitive.” The truth is, we are all medical intuitives. We all have the ability to access our inner wisdom for answers that can truly shapeshift our lives (and physical health). This is when I started really listening and trusting my body and Higher Self to show me the next steps on this beautiful healing journey we call life!”

Q: Tell us a little bit about how your struggles have influenced what you write about.

D: “All of my music is inspired by my deep, interpersonal experience with healing, most of which focuses on codependency. I believe codependency is the root of all suffering, and causes us to reenact trauma responses we learned from childhood to protect ourselves. This type of behavior is extremely valid, but I think we can empower ourselves to learn new behaviors and take action to radically heal ourselves. People think healing is all *love and light* and an enlightening process, but the truth is – it freaking hurts. It’s painful and incredibly difficult to reprogram our negative beliefs about people and the world. I hope my music offers validation to those that are struggling, because the inner work is tough!”

Q: What kind of growth would you like to see in the music industry?

D: “I would like to see more authenticity within the music industry. I think a lot of what we see today is focused on numeric value and vanity metrics rather than depth, substance and a compelling message. I’d like to see artists showing up on their platforms with more vulnerability and industry executives’ motivated by genuine intentions. I also would like to eradicate the narratives of age and appearance within the music industry. Your age has nothing to do with the level of success you can achieve, and you definitely do not need to meet society’s expectations of beauty to be on the forefront of the industry.”

Q: If you were talking to someone who has experienced something similar to your own experiences, what advice would you give?

D: “I’d tell them to trust themselves and to stop allowing self-doubt to be in the driver’s seat. I would tell them to be radically honest, authentic and to live their truth. I would also tell them to stop shrinking themselves to make others comfortable, and to take up space because we all deserve to be seen, heard, loved and appreciated.”

Q: If you could change anything, about the way our world is now, what would you change?

D: “If I could change anything about the world, I would start with showing others how to unconditionally love themselves. We have so many conditions with love and primarily place our value in our ability to be productive. I think this causes a collective shadow that we are all inherently not enough. If we could be gentle and compassionate with ourselves, and learn to love without conditions, these efforts would heal the planet at large.”

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