Actress Dana Kreitz Talks About Future Projects, Aspirations, And More

An actor, producer, and director, this storyteller will be playing ‘Libby’ in the upcoming and already popular short film “Hazel”.

I had an absolute pleasure catching up with Dana Kreitz on all things acting, her journey to the big screen, and future goals.

Q: What made you pursue a career in acting? And is it always something that you wanted to do?

A: “I grew up in a family of performers. Watching opera and musical theatre, singing in church choir, and performing on stage is something I’ve done my whole life. I don’t think there was ever a time I decided to pursue this career. I’ve just always felt at home in a rehearsal room and playing pretend and dressing up so I’ve just continued putting myself in situations where that can be the norm.”

Q: You attended UNLV to study theatre performance, can you explain how that helped you get to where you are now?

A: “UNLV had a really practical way of approaching acting. The techniques I learned there and the dedication I practiced there are fundamental to my career. And I’m grateful I went through a BA program and not a BFA, because people with more interests and experiences make better actors.
We also had a stage and screen acting program, which is pretty unique in undergrad programs. Most acting training programs are very theatre-based, however, I was exposed to commercial auditioning, workshops with agents to discuss branding and business classes, daytime drama class, in addition to my Moliere and Shakespeare and New Play Development.  I think I came out of that program with a full toolbox of tools to lean on and continue sharpening over the years.

And maybe most importantly to me — UNLV has given me my fam and community. A lot of the people I create with and make art with and hang with now (including my cool husband Griffin) are people that I met in the program at UNLV and people radiating from that circle.”

Q: You have acted, produced and directed, which position was your favorite and which one did you feel like you had the most creative control in?

A: “Oh I just love storytelling. I think at the heart of it all, I’m really an actor. I want to find a character and a piece of a story and bring me and myself to it. But I also truly enjoy the logistics of producing, and it’s been interesting learning how to visually tell a story from a directing perspective as well! I really believe that learning how the other pieces of the process work makes me a better actor.”

Q: You have also worked on many TV series , independent films and short films, which do you prefer working on? and why?

A: “I just want to work! Regardless of the medium, the job is to play the scene and tell the story.”

Q: What inspires you as an actress?

A: “Everything! I love watching shows and reading books and being moved by the artistry and labor that was put into each project. I just watched Waitress (I’m over the moon about live theatre returning safely!!!) with Sara Bareilles and was so excited to be absorbing theatre, and also amped to go home and sing and discuss story structure and all that.”

Q: You are also married to actor Griffin Stanton-Ameisen, can you talk about what it’s like to have two actors in one household?

A: “It’s awesome. Griffin is the coolest. We get to help and support each other, give input on self-tapes, nerd out discussing acting and scripts and projects that we see. We even wrote a pilot script together during quarantine, and it turns out we work really well together!
I love being surrounded by other people in the industry. When he has auditions for new projects, I get additional insight into what’s going on currently, and when one of us wins, we all win!”

Q: Are you working on any current projects that we should be on the lookout for?

A: “A sweet horror short film that Griffin and I worked on together, directed by Jordan Doig, called Hazel will be hitting festivals around NYC next month.

Q: What are some career goals you have set for yourself?

A: “Just to work! To continue doing good work, stay in class to keep my craft sharp, and to not be a dick. It’s super important to me to make sure I’m always somebody that I would want to work with. 
Oh, and to be the voice of a Disney princess.”

Q: Where can we find you? To keep up with all that you are doing?

A: “I love Instagram. @danakreitz”.

You can catch Dana as ‘Libby during the World Premiere of “Hazel” at the Brooklyn Horror Film Festival on October 17th.

Interview Written and Composed by: Maya Lockett.

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