Laila Describes The Toronto Music Scene And The Relationship That Inspired Her Single ‘TALK’

Truly a double threat!

From her impressive acting career to her jaw-dropping singing skills, Laila is quickly making a name for herself in the entertainment industry.

We had the pleasure of speaking with Laila about performing live, advice for fans in situationships, and more!

When did you first realize that you wanted to pursue a career in music?

L: “Hmm. I’ve been singing since I was little and always knew I wanted to pursue music, but I definitely thought it would be in musical theatre. For a while the idea of being a musical artist scared me because I knew it would require me to have a strong voice and sense of identity. It took me a while to find this, but i’m so happy I took my time getting there because I truly feel like right now i’m doing exactly what i’m supposed to be doing.”

Tell us more about your amazing new single ‘Talk’ and how it came to be.

L: “AH I love TALK so much. For several months last year I was in what you could call a “situationship” with a guitar player who lived in LA . Our relationship was almost entirely virtual, and we talked A LOT. At a certain point I realized that for the first time since my breakup in 2022, I actually felt ready to be with someone. He was not on the same page… I wrote this song with my producers Matt and Robbie and we decided to push even further into the pop world with the sound. I am so happy with how it turned out. When I sent it to the guy I wrote it about he apologized for how things went down, but said that he was honoured to have such a banger written about him. A win!!”

What is your best piece of advice for listeners who are in a situationship?

L: “END IT. Lol just kidding… but kind of serious. Just know what you want and deserve, and don’t accept any less. Listen to you gut!”

If you had to choose, what is your favorite song you have released so far and why?

L: “Other than TALK, my favourite song i’ve released so far is definitely “I Like Girls”. When I put it out last year it was such new territory for me, lyrically and sonically, and I love the energy it creates when I perform it live.”

We love watching videos of you performing! What do you enjoy the most about performing live?

L: “Thank you so much!! Performing live is so much fun for me, especially because I came from the theatre background and truly love being dramatic and putting on a show. I really just love being able to cultivate and harness the energy in the room through my performance. I feel the most connected to my music and myself when I perform live because I get to see the listeners in front of me and interact with them – it’s really special.”

How would you describe the music scene in Toronto?

L: “There’s so much happening in Toronto! I think there’s a place for everyone and every type of music here. Personally it took me a while to break into the scene and get my footing, but now I’m so proud to have such a fun group of creatives around me.”

We can’t forget the fact that you are an actress as well! Do you plan to keep pursuing your acting career or focus mainly on music?

L: “Music is definitely the focus at the moment, but yes I am dedicated to also pursuing acting simultaneously. I will say, I am so grateful to have both outlets – I think they work really beautifully hand in hand, and having them both relieves some of the pressure I know I’d otherwise place on one.” 

Where can we follow your amazing journey?

L: “I’m @helloitslaila on all socials!”

Make sure to stream ‘TALK’, available now on all platforms!

Je’Kayla Crawford– Founder and Director– Je’Kayla has been a journalist for years and decided to start a publication of her own, New Scene. When not helping her team and working on the monthly issues, you can find her watching a movie on Netflix or baking using a viral Tasty recipe.

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