Tiffany Smith Talks About Role In ‘Masters of Universe: Revolution’ & Her Upcoming Projects

One of the most underrated performers we know!

From voice acting to performing on stage to starring in our favorite TV shows, Tiffany Smith is truly an icon in the making.

We had the amazing honor of speaking with Tiffany about Curious Matter Anthology Season 3, THE SPHERE OF FIXED STARS IN THE HEAVENS, and more!

When did you first realize that you wanted to pursue a career in acting?

T: “I think I always knew I wanted to perform; I’m pretty sure my parents have some video evidence of that from a young age, whether as a singer, presenter, or actress, just all of it! Haha – But I think it was back in 2016 when I decided I wanted to pursue acting. I had been hosting for a while and was on a set visit, and I just wanted to be on the other side of the interviews I was doing. So, I started taking more acting classes and got much more serious about it before telling anyone I wanted to do it. I wanted to be ready and have worked on my acting more before I started stepping into auditions.”

We happily binge-watched Season 2 of ‘Masters of Universe: Revolution’! What was it like coming back to record for Andra? Do you think you have anything in common with her?

T: “I could not love doing Master of the Universe more! I grew up with the show and had a class photo from something like 3rd grade where I am holding a She-Ra action figure. My mom jokes that I manifested this role way back then! Haha. Getting to come back and voice Andra, who is now in Revolution, as the new Man-at-Arms, is so much fun!  I am constantly blown away by the level of talent on the show! And being a geek myself, even more so. In season one, we had Mark Hamill, and then in season two, William Shatner!  Star Wars and Star Trek legends that I get to voice scenes with on a show I grew up loving are just, well, I have to pinch myself sometimes. It’s incredible!”

The lineup of Curious Matter Anthology Season 3 is insane! What was your experience like working on the project?

T: “Oh man, I know, right!?  I worked with Jonathan Pezza, the creator of Curious Matter Anthology, on Season 2, voicing one of the main characters.  We just got along so well; we’d have a session and then end up chatting about all kinds of geeky things: TV shows, movies, and books, and I loved what he was doing with the show.  So, when season 3 came around, he asked me to come on board to voice the new lead and to produce as well; I didn’t hesitate at all!  

It has been so much fun to see this show come together, from the scripts to casting, to voice directing, to listening to edits, and working on marketing. Jonathan is just so wildly talented that it makes the recording sessions that much easier. It has always been a goal for me in my career to make great things that I want to watch, listen to, or read and make those things with friends who also happen to be incredibly talented humans. I have been fortunate to have worked with some fantastic people and become friends, so I was texting a lot when the show was coming together to get the right cast in place!  And thankfully, they all showed up, even to the point where they would have so much fun in our sessions that they’d recommend other people for us to bring into the show. I can’t wait for everyone to hear what we made; I am really proud of it!”

You have worked alongside some of the biggest names in the industry! Have you ever been starstruck before?

T: “Oh my gosh, 100%. The funny thing is, it usually doesn’t happen until after I have finished working with them. When it’s work time, I can keep it together, but when I’m telling my friends or family what happened, that’s usually when I get giddy about it.”

We are hyped for THE SPHERE OF FIXED STARS IN THE HEAVENS! What can fans expect from the show?

T: “What can I say about this play… I read the script and was blown away! J. Holtham is the writer and co-director for this Bespoke Plays Fringe show, and I mean, it’s just such fun, cool, incredible writing and a great love story!  As an actress, my goal is to play emotionally grounded characters in sci-fi and fantasy worlds, and that is exactly what this is!  It’s Inception mixed with Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and a little bit of a Palm Springs vibe thrown in there, too.  

We had our preview night in early June, and it was incredible.  It’s my first time doing a play like this as well.  2 two-person shows, 90 min straight, and it just flies by in the best way! And I can’t say enough good things about Von Dexter Montegut II, my costar.  He is so effortless and charming and easy to act with and create this world with. I know I’ve said this before, but I feel so lucky to be a part of this show with this group of people…. what else can I say? Haha! If you are in LA this June, come see it at the Broadwater Theater!”

What is your best piece of advice to young girls who are judged for their love of Sci-Fi?

T: “Do what you love and stay true to that because, ultimately, you need to do and find the things that bring you joy.  I grew up reading comic books and being a little bit of an outsider. And there was a point where I thought, oh, maybe I should hide a little of my geekiness, but that didn’t last very long!  And for me, being someone who loves sci-fi and fantasy is how my career has grown and become what it is today!  And it is magical when you are being true to yourself and doing what you love.”

You stay booked and busy! Is there anything else you have coming up that fans should be looking out for?

T: “I want to keep creating things and growing as an artist as much as I can, and right now, that looks like doing a lot of things at once! But, the next thing coming well: Curious Matter Anthology the Exile Season 3 starts June 18 anywhere you listen to podcasts!  We have four more performances for The Sphere of Fixed Stars in the Heavens this month, and fingers crossed we get extended and possibly add more dates!  I also have two short films premiering at festivals this month: The Power Within is premiering at Dances with Films, and Scalped! is premiering at the Malibu Film Festival!  And, of course, there are a few things I am working on that I can’t share quite yet 😉 But I will certainly share it on socials as soon as possible!”

Where can we follow your incredible journey?

T: “Oh, yeah, please come say hi on social media! You can follow me on social media @Tiffany_Smith and on TikTok @TifTok_Smith. I try to keep everyone as up-to-date on there as I can with what I’m up to.”

Je’Kayla Crawford– Founder and Director– Je’Kayla has been a journalist for years and decided to start a publication of her own, New Scene. When not helping her team and working on the monthly issues, you can find her watching a movie on Netflix or baking using a viral Tasty recipe.

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