Nikita Redkar Reveals Her Biggest Comedy Influences And Her Reaction To Her TikTok Fame

A star in the making!

If you’ve been scrolling on TikTok for the past few months, then you’ve definitely seen some of Nikita’s iconic videos pop up on your feed. Not only is she our go-to for pop culture and political news, but we are obsessed with her pink outfits.

We had the amazing honor of speaking with Nikita about her advice to aspiring content creators, meeting her fans in public, and more!

When did you first decide to pursue a career as a content creator, specifically in the niche of relatable news recaps?

N: “I started making TikToks during the pandemic as a way to deal with boredom! Before 2020, I used to do standup comedy almost daily, and when everything shut, I would try those jokes on TikTok and make sketches, but nothing really stuck. It must have been a year until I found my niche when I was watching the news with my dad, and the way the leaders of two countries were talking about each other felt like toxic exes unable to see each other be independent and thrive. Geopolitics felt like high school to me, other than the fact that these people have weapons and can cut off our water supply. So I made a video explaining news like gossip “for the girls,” and the rest is history!”

You have reached the impressive milestone of 15 Million likes on TikTok! What has been your reaction to your success?

N: “It doesn’t feel like a real number to me! But I have to remind myself that likes aren’t just numbers; they’re real people reacting and connecting with something I made. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the metrics of social media – how many likes, comments, shares a post has – but that just turns my audience into a monolith and I’d never want that. 

I also think it’s so wild that “the girlies” (gender-neutral) are nerding out about the same things I like! I always felt I had to suppress the side of me that was “too smart” or super into random history facts because it felt like I had to pick a side – like, okay, you can be a girly girl or a mega dork, but you can’t be both! Turns out you absolutely can.”

Aside from your rising number of followers and likes, what has been your biggest pinch-me moment from your career thus far?

N: “Definitely getting recognized on the street. Everyone rags on people in their 20s/30s for having no attention span, but if that’s the case, how do people recognize me – especially when I’m not in pink? I admire them so much too because if I saw someone I liked on TikTok I’d be too scared to say anything.”

You are hilarious! Who would you credit as some of your favorite comedians/fellow influencers?

N: “Obviously Chrissy Chlapecka, the inventor of the 2020s bimbo. She really influenced me to play around more with my style and take joy in being dumb. Not dumb as in unintelligent, but dumb as in choosing joy over stressing out about every little thing! Also Drew Afualo, she’s so bold and effortlessly funny and I love that she’s made a whole career off her haters.”

How important do you think it is to sneak a bit of education into the social media landscape?

N: “I don’t believe I’m sneaking it! I’m genuinely so interested in the news, history, and culture that it comes off. I think there’s a lot of pressure to know about “everything,” and I definitely don’t, but for the things I do know, I talk about it not like a daunting news topic you HAVE to know, but, hey, here’s this super interesting thing I’ve been obsessing about lately! When you talk to people like they are your friends and not idiots beneath you, I find people are a lot more receptive to what you have to say.”

What is your best advice for young girls who want to pursue content creation?

N: “At some point, you will feel pressure online to share your whole self. Your job, your partner, your friends, and maybe even your room. It’s okay to keep parts of your life to yourself; never share something you’d feel weird about strangers seeing. I, for example, would never want 700 thousand strangers to come into my room, so I never made videos in my room. At the same time, if you want to share everything, go ahead! But be very careful about revealing things that could locate you, i.e. street signs, your house number, your school or place of work, etc.”

Now that you have a massive following, what are some of your next goals for your career?

N: “I am definitely looking into creating longer-form content, like a podcast or a YouTube channel. After that, I want to make a documentary.”

Where can we follow your amazing journey?

N: “I am @nikitadumptruck on all social channels.”

Photo Credits: Artemis Szekir-Rigas

Je’Kayla Crawford– Founder and Director– Je’Kayla has been a journalist for years and decided to start a publication of her own, New Scene. When not helping her team and working on the monthly issues, you can find her watching a movie on Netflix or baking using a viral Tasty recipe.

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