Comedian Matty Cardarople Talks About Jim Carrey, Marvel Goal, And Role In ‘Fallout’ Series

One of the funniest performers we know!

From ‘Stranger Things’ to ‘Wheels of Fortune’, Matty has been cracking audiences up for years. His most recent role was in the highly-anticipated first season of ‘Fallout’, and he 100% stole the show.

We had the amazing honor of speaking with Matty about his favorite acting role so far, his TikTok fame, and more!

When did you first realize that you wanted to pursue a career in entertainment?

M: “Seeing Jim Carrey in Ace Ventura in theaters. It changed my life. I had just tried out for little league and I didn’t get picked. My parents took me to Ace Ventura to cheer me up. I hadn’t laughed that hard in my life. I was rolling on the floor with laughter. I knew at that moment I wanted to be an actor. To make others laugh when they’re feeling down is the best gift you can give.”

Congratulations on your role in ‘Fallout’! Are you a fan of the video game?

M: “I wasn’t familiar with the game. I mainly just played vintage games and systems. It’s nostalgic for me but I really wanna play Fallout now and want to get an Xbox and start playing. I’m a big fan now. And when I first auditioned the name of the project was disguised. Which is done often in the industry.”

What was your experience like filming the TV show? Any funny/interesting stories you can

M: “It was such a blast. Filmed it in NYC. The producers and director were awesome. Ella was so kind and awesome to work with too.  A real pro. One funny anecdote that I remember while filming with the ghouls that attacked us is that they looked so realistic that for a split second I thought it was real, I got genuinely scared so it really helped my performance. The special effects makeup crew did such an amazing job. To the point where I got frightened lol. But then I saw the ghouls at craft grabbing snacks and got less scared haha. Also a fond memory of working on Fallout: my hotel had bikes you could use, and I really enjoyed biking around the city and eating pizza.”

You are absolutely hilarious! Who would you credit as some of your biggest comedy influences? 

M: “Thank you for the kind words. I got a lot of humor from my family. My mom, sisters, brother, and my stepdad. We always were silly and goofy growing up. In terms of other actors, Jim Carrey is a big influence. Steve Martin, and Martin Short as well. Tracey Ullman, Robin Williams, Jerry Seinfeld. Chris Farely, Adam Sandler, Amy Poeller, Steven Wright, and Will Ferrell.”

It’s probably hard to choose, but what has been your personal favorite acting role thus far?

M: “It is tough because I’ve been lucky to be a part of so many amazing projects but I’d say my favorite has been Reservation Dogs. It was fun to play a character that thought he was tough but really not tough.  And what made it my favorite was the director, the cast, and the crew. Sterlin Harjo the creator and director has the biggest heart and a blast to work with. He is so personable, and such a graceful director. It’s honestly been the highlight of my career thus far.”

Is there a type of character (ex. villain, superhero) that you haven’t played yet that you want. 

M: “A superhero definitely,  I hope to play a Marvel character one day that would be such a blast. So that being said. Hey Marvel, Hire me. I bring the funny.”

You have reached the impressive milestone of 1 Million followers on TikTok! What has been your reaction to your social media success? 

M: “It’s been amazing. I’m happy that I’m able to spread joy on social media and continue that mission.  I love interacting with fans and making fun videos. It’s another platform where I can spread my message of joy. I like to think of us comedians as the angels of joy. So I’m happy and grateful for the success.”

Where can we follow your amazing journey?

M: “Thanks so much, you can find me on most social media platforms @mattycardarople.”

Photo Credit: Amy Harrity

Je’Kayla Crawford– Founder and Director– Je’Kayla has been a journalist for years and decided to start a publication of her own, New Scene. When not helping her team and working on the monthly issues, you can find her watching a movie on Netflix or baking using a viral Tasty recipe.

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