Talented Actor Zac Looker Talks About His Role In New Netflix Live-Action Series ‘GEEK GIRL’

An actor on the rise!

If you have Netflix, then you’ve probably been spending the past few days watching ‘GEEK GIRL’, with one of the leading actors in the series being

We had the amazing honor of speaking with Zac about his dream role to take on next, his Netflix recommendations, and more!

When did you first realize that you wanted to pursue a career in acting?

Z: “I don’t think there was one moment that I realized I wanted to act professionally. If there was I don’t recall. Having gotten the question before (and having asked myself the same one a few times) I’ve thought about coming up with an hilarious, heartwarming anecdote to make this answer more exciting or dramatic but the truth really isn’t either of those things. It’s just always been what I’ve done and loved to do since I was old enough to know what it was and I’m very lucky to have gotten to do it, in some form or another, all my life. And the fact I get paid for it now is still insane to me.”

Tell us more about your amazing character in ‘GEEK GIRL’. Do you think you personally have anything in common with Toby?

Z: “He’s constantly in his own world, entirely irreverent in the best possible way. We’re similarly nerdy I think, and there was something about his voice that I instantly connected with.”

What was your filming experience like for the series? Any funny/interesting moments you can share?

Z: “I had quite a bit of freedom with my interpretation of Toby (always fun to improvise around the material and find the character in the moment) and we had a wonderful crew which made shooting the show a genuine pleasure, despite the true horror that came with working with the rest of the cast. Evil incarnate, each and every one.”

Now that you are officially a part of the Netflix family, what are some of your favorite shows
from the streaming service?

Z: “Black Mirror, Stranger Things and Arrested Development.”

What kind of role would you love to take on next? (ex. Superhero, funny character, etc.)

Z: “I’d like to work on something that challenges me and is completely different to the work I’ve done thus far, past that I’m open to anything.”

Make sure to watch Zac in ‘GEEK GIRL’, available now on Netflix!

Photo Credit: Zac Looker

Je’Kayla Crawford– Founder and Director– Je’Kayla has been a journalist for years and decided to start a publication of her own, New Scene. When not helping her team and working on the monthly issues, you can find her watching a movie on Netflix or baking using a viral Tasty recipe.

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