Blair Lamora Talks About Her First Love Of Music And Teases Season 3 of Hulu’s ‘Shoresy’

Can it be June 21 already?

If your favorite character in the Hulu hit series ‘Shoresy’ is Blair Lamora’s character Ziigwan, we feel the same way. And we’re all in luck because the stellar actress is returning for Season 3 and it’s right around the corner.

We had the amazing honor of speaking with Blair about ‘Letterkenny’, advice for aspiring actresses, and more!

When did you first realize that you wanted to pursue a career in acting?

B: “I got accepted to a theatre program at a specialized arts high school and it ignited my passion for acting. I genuinely thought acting was just so much fun and I loved movies and musicals. When I was 15 I saw Moulin Rouge for the first time – the story, with the music, and cinematography, I was in a whirlwind of emotions. I decided right then that I was going to try film/television acting after I graduated from the theatre program. I have a passion for storytelling and the lessons they teach, so I followed that!

Tell us more about your amazing character in ‘SHORESY’. Do you think you have anything in common with Ziigwan?

B: “Ziigwan is a bold, quick-witted, hothead who is 1 of 2 assistants to the GM of the Sudbury Blueberry Bulldogs. She gets annoyed at the hockey boys but deep down would go to the wall for them. She’s very loyal and fiercely protective of her family and team – we definitely have that in common.

I think we both feel those qualities strongly but express them differently. Ziig is more combative and quick to jump into situations, but I’m personally the opposite. I’m empathetic and analytical so I don’t have big outbursts like Ziig. This in turn is why Ziigwan is so fun to play, to be so outwardly bold and heated is an exciting change.”

How has the filming process for the show been so far? Any funny/interesting stories you can share?

B: “Filming has been such a blast since day one. It’s incredible to be a part of such a well-oiled machine. The cast and crew are pros and everyone has become a family. From prep to rehearsals to shooting, it’s been such a fun challenge adapting to the universe of Shoresy with the tone and pace. It keeps us on our toes and constantly laughing. Some of the best days on set are the ones where we have big group scenes. One of my favorite memories is shooting the champagne celebration in the Bulldogs locker room for season 2. It was one of my first scenes of the season to shoot, the energy was super high, and to look around at everyone coming together to celebrate our team is a core memory for me.”

Have you ever seen the original series ‘Letterkenny’? If so, what did you think?

B: “Yes, I’ve seen Letterkenny. I love the show, I think it’s hilarious! My dad and brother are LK fans so I have very fond memories of quoting a ton of one-liners with my family.”

What can fans expect from Season 3? Anything you can tease?

B: “Shoresy Season 3 is packed with sharp chirps, belly laughs, and some shocking moments. I can’t give away too much but I highly suggest getting your bums in a seat and having your sticks prepped because we’re about to go until we can’t go no more.”

We hear that you are an incredible singer! Would you like to play a character that shows off your musical talent?

B: “It’d be a dream to play a role that could fuse both music and acting. Music is my first love! I could sing before I spoke, self-taught myself guitar at 13, was in a (short-lived) band at 19, and it would be oddly full circle to have music collide with acting. I wouldn’t say there’s a specific role I’d want to play but it’d be pretty cool to be in a late 90s grunge/rock movie musical. Imagine Queen of the Damned, but full-on musical. Epic.”

What is your best piece of advice for young girls wanting to pursue an acting career?

B: “Take risks and always try your best. Have fun with it! Learn as much as you can and surround yourself with people who align with your goals and keep you grounded.”

Where can we follow your amazing journey?

B: Instagram! @blairlamora.”

Make sure to watch Blair in Season 3 of ‘Shoresy’, premiering on Hulu on June 21!

Photo Credit: Richie Lubaton

Je’Kayla Crawford– Founder and Director– Je’Kayla has been a journalist for years and decided to start a publication of her own, New Scene. When not helping her team and working on the monthly issues, you can find her watching a movie on Netflix or baking using a viral Tasty recipe.

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