Isla George Talks About Her New Single ‘Be Kind To People’ And Creating Her Community

This R&B singer is one to watch!

This new music artist is already gaining love from the music industry! After her debut single ‘LA’, she’s back with a new single entitled ‘Be Kind To People’.

We had the amazing honor of talking with Isla about her debut single, J Cole, and more!

When did you first realize that you wanted to pursue a career in music?

I: “I feel like it was something I always knew. Music was the way I communicated, understood, processed, and connected with the world around me. Sharing songs with others came more naturally than expressing my emotions at times, so music just kind of bled into my life as who I was in connection to all things.

I used to talk about it from a young age as if it already happened which deemed me a bit crazy, but here I am! Still a bit crazy and pursuing what I love most in the world!”

Tell us more about your amazing new single “Be Kind To The People.”

I: “My single “Be Kind To The People” is my best friend and getting to record it with Adrian Gurvitz was actually a dream of mine. I went from listening to records he has produced and dreaming of working with him, to recording a song that has forever changed me.

This song has challenged me and held me accountable in my life. This song took me from a girl who has always wanted to help others but had a tendency to struggle with a crushing empathic nature, to me being handed my power back through music.

It let me down the path to cultivating a strong self love and kindness practice for myself that has in turn created a ripple throughout my community.

Being kind to people put me through a personal learning experience of what Michael Jackson meant when he said “I’m starting with the man in the mirror.” I am starting with the woman in the mirror and choosing to be kind to the people, all people. This single is my heart, my vision, my passion, my struggle and my love for all humankind wrapped up in a love letter to my people.”

What inspired you to start the ‘Be Kind To The People’ community?

I: “It came to me in a dream actually. I woke up at 4am one morning and something called me to Google ‘mass meditation by the black community for the black community.’From what I could find, a large-scale mass meditation had never been done by the black community for the black community. I just knew that I had to do it. The proof of the power of mass meditations is so beautiful. It has been proven to lower crime rates in certain cities or communities where the meditations were focused on. I could instantly feel the energy of the kindness and presence that deserves to be directed toward the black community by us. One mind, one heart, brothers and sisters, one mass collective agreement. That was the birth of the ‘Be Kind To People’ movement/community.”

If you had to choose, what is your favorite service that is a part of the ‘Be Kind To The People’ community?

I: “My favorite part of the ‘Be Kind’ community right now would have to be the HEY SIS page, a safe space for black women that I created. We have women from all walks of life, all ages, all beliefs systems, coming together to be vulnerable, connect, support, learn and grow together.

We are even meeting once a week for a book club to read books focused on spirituality and healing.

Creating community and sisterhood is so important as black women. When we have been taught to separate and be pitted against each other for so many years, it feels like a new chapter is turning as I watch all these women communicate and trust one another. It is truly magical.”

What has been your reaction to the success of your debut single “LA?”

I: “Since this was my first single release I was definitely not prepared for the reaction! I knew that the song made me feel something. It felt special to me so I wanted to share that feeling.

The reaction from “LA” felt like the universe nodding at me and saying “go girl, it’s time to share yourself and your creativity with the world.” Ultimately, music is all about connection and community for me, so “LA” provided this beautiful connection to so many people online that feel like my tribe. Hearing that people resonate with what I’m creating continues to ignite the fire inside of me.”

If you could collaborate with any artist on a single, who would it be and why?

I: “J Cole hands down. His artistry is on another level and has always resonated with me. He speaks in a way that my mind works and I feel seen. His music has such purpose behind it. Who he is speaking to is clear as well as his intentions. I trust him with my ears. What we listen to, watch, and take in on the daily affects our lives tremendously and I feel he respects and honors that in his fans. So being able to collaborate with another artist like him to create high vibrational purpose driven music that unites the collective would be such an incredible experience.”

Can we expect more music from you in the future?

I:Yes most def! This is just the beginning. My community continues to inspire me and the songs that come through me. We have so many plans for ways to utilize my music to give back to the community, which is such a dream. Only up from here! We can’t stop now. The ‘Be Kind to The People’ movement has just begun!”

Where can we follow your amazing journey?

I: TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and

Stream ‘Be Kind To People’, available now on all music platforms!

Photo Credit: Ace Misiunas

Je’Kayla Crawford– Founder and Director– Je’Kayla has been a journalist for years and decided to start a publication of her own, New Scene. When not helping her team and working on the monthly issues, you can find her watching a movie on Netflix or baking using a viral Tasty recipe.

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