LaJune Singleton Shares Important Exercise Tips And Their Health Benefits

LaJune Singleton is the CEO & Founder of LaJune Singleton, LLC a fitness, health, mindset,
nutrition, and wellness business. A Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach, Mindset
Strategist, Nutritional Lifestyle Coach, Writer, the author of “Releasing My Trauma: The Root of
Self-Sabotage”, Podcaster, Cycling Instructor, and Personal Trainer with over 10 years of
experience working with busy diverse women and girls, in the areas of obesity, fitness, chronic
illnesses, trauma, mindset, nutrition, wellness, mental/physical health, and injury recovery.

LaJune talks to New Scene about several amazing fitness workouts that are sure to help your body!

Fifteen Minute Workout for Busy Entrepreneurs

There are several exercises that can be done at home or in the office with everyday items or
your own body weight. Two 16.9 oz bottles size water or can goods may be used as hand
weights, which can be used for bicep curls, chest press, lateral raises, and much more. A gallon
of water can be used as a kettlebell. Some good cardio workouts are high knees, mountain
climbers, running in place, jumping jacks, and invisible jump rope. Other great cardio workouts
are jogging or taking a walk around the office or neighborhood as well as walking or running up
and down the stairs/steps in your home or office. Some other exercises that can be done are
squats, lunges, chair leg extensions, if you have a yoga mat in your office for sit-ups, crunches,
push-ups, pelvic raises. There is also the option of doing yoga if it is something you enjoy doing.
All these exercises are quick and easily done in two or three sets, three to five times a week for
best results.’

The Health Benefits of a Vertical Climber

The health benefits of a vertical climber offer improved cardiovascular health, total bodywork,
low impact, and weight loss. The vertical climber is a cardio and strength training machine. A
workout of three to five days a week for 1-0minutes to one hour can reduce the risk of chronic
health diseases, such heart disease, diabetes, cholesterol, and arthritis. It can also help with
lowering stress, boosting energy, and sleep. Your hands, arms, legs, and feet are working
together to give you that total body workout, which reduces any impact on your knees and hips.
The total body workout offers weight loss and full body muscle toning as well as releasing toxins
in the body through sweating.

A vertical climber can range in price of $80 plus to $3000. has listed the top
vertical climbers of 2021 has named the Maxi Climber Vertical Climber that retails for $189.00
on Maxi Climber website and $199.99 on Amazon (Saunders, N. 2021). The weight capacity for
this machine is 240 pounds (Saunders, N. 2021). I do personally like the non-stick hand grip,
which can be annoying during a workout of you sweating and your hands are sticking to the
handles. Any vertical climber that is affordable, durable, and meets your weight capacity that
works for you is a benefit towards a healthy lifestyle.
Reference: Saunders, N. 2021. “The 6 best vertical climbers of 2021, according to experts.”

The Benefits of Stationary Bike on the Knees

A stationary bike is a great way to strengthen weak knees, which is used in the physical therapy
process. It is excellent for knee injury recovery, such as arthritis, torn
cartilage/meniscus/ACL/ligament, and weight loss. The stationary bike is a good cardiovascular
workout, total bodywork, building lungs/oxygen, and low impact on the knees. The bike assists
with muscle building in the upper legs that help to strengthen the area around the knees. Riding
the bike promotes the body to create additional fluids and flush those fluids around the joints. It
aids to lubricate the knees and eradicate waste and toxins. A stationary bike is particularly good
for arthritic knees. A workout of three to five days a week for 10-minutes to one hour can reduce
the risk of cardiovascular diseases, decreasing stress, boosting energy, and helps with a better
night of sleep. The total body workout offers weight loss and full body muscle toning as well as
releasing toxins in the body through sweating.

Two Exercise Tips to Help Reduce Weight

Walking is a great total body cardio workout, stress relief, and help to reduce unwanted weight.
No, equipment is needed, just your legs and a good pair of sneakers. Walking does not cause
stress or strain on the body; you can go at your own pace. Taking 15 minutes to a one hour
walk a day at a pace of three to five mph at least three to five times a week. Your walking speed
will increase the length or frequency of walks as fitness improves overtime.

Jogging is another good total body cardio workout for keeping weight off and burning calories.
Jogging can help with burning stomach fat related to chronic diseases and aid with building lean
muscle mass as well as strength. Adding 10 to 45 minutes of jogging three to five times a week.
Jogging contributes to improving joint, bone, and heart health, which improves knee cartilage

The best thing about both are heart pumping and heart healthy exercises that can be done
anywhere to help lower the risk of obesity. They both offer daily fitness and movement needed
to keep you active and in shape. Especially now with the pandemic, some gyms still not open,
and people not feeling comfortable returning to the gym. These two exercises can be done in
your neighborhood or local park and safely social distance without feeling at risk of Covid. Jump
start dropping your Covid and winter body for the spring/summer with a daily walk or jog to burn
calories and drop pounds.

Personal Trainer / Fitness Expert Arm Workout

The first are two exercises that work to tone the dreadful flabby wings: arm rotation and arm
twist forward and backward with or without dumbbells to firm arms. Hold your arms out straight
to your side and rotate 3 to 4 reps of 10 to 20 times forward and backward, which is also good
for shoulders and underarms. This exercise helps to tone flabby arms and build shoulder

The second is pushups can be done on the floor or sitting push ups. The traditional push ups
body straight out on the balls of your feet or on your knees 3 to 4 reps for 30 seconds to 60
seconds, works arms, shoulders, core, legs, and back. Sitting push ups, you’re in a seated position with legs extended straight, arms behind you, and you push yourself up. This works
your arms, core, glutes, legs, shoulders, and back.

The third is lateral pulldown exercise can be done at a gym on the lateral machine or home with
dumbbells or a band. This exercise can be done sitting or standing with your legs apart, arms
straight-up towards the ceiling bringing your arms down to shoulder length with your elbows
pointing to the side. This exercise works arms, shoulders, and back and can do 3 to 4 reps for
30 to 60 seconds.  All exercises can be done three to five times a week for a total of 30 to 45 minutes to see

Name: LaJune Singleton, full credentials: board-certified health coach, certified health &
wellness coach, certified nutrition and healthy living coach, and certified advanced
personal trainer. email , and professional website: or LinkedIn account:

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