Brianni Walker On Her Non-Profit Organization, Following Your Dreams And Her Insprational Music

A true talent!

Award-Winning actress Brianni Walker is taking the world by storm. From amazing acting roles to great music, to modeling, there’s nothing she can’t do.

We had the amazing honor of talking with Brianni about her favorite actress, upcoming project, and more!

What valuable lesson have you learned from being in the entertainment industry? 

B:What valuable lesson I’ve Learned working in the entertainment industry is super cool and  fun. But at the same time its  totally different when hollywood kids /teens gravitating into the social media world.  In the  social media world is not always fun. You’re bullied a lot.  Some adults teach fans to bully newcomers with Low followers.  If you don’t have a huge following your considered an outcast and a clout chasers if you want a friendship with a social media star you admire.  They’ll lie on you and cause you from being invited to private events and eventually being wrongfully terminated from a workplace.”

You have already been able to work with some impressive names so far in your career. Is there anyone you would love to work with someday?

B: “I would love to work with Angela Bassett.”

What is your story behind your two songs “Step Back, No Bullies” & “We Must Rise Up, Stop Bullying”? 

B: Hmmm, My story behind  “Step Back No Bullies” and “We Must Rise Up Stop Bullying” is sorta long story. Its my true experience. A closed mouth will always be a victim so as a survivor. Being bullied didn’t paralyzed me, it didn’t silence me, it didn’t numb me but encourage me to fight back. My heart breakd whenever I hear innocent people being bullied or murdered by authority figures. What I mean by authority figures is (adults) people with power.  Bullying doesnt end at school it happens at home and workplace. I figured what better way to educate my generations about bullying is through music. “What Stems A Bully?” Every bully violates our civil rights and that’s why I’m fighting to mandate bullying a Federal Statutory Law.”

If you could collab on a song with any artist, who would it be and why? 

B: “If I could collab with anyone on a song, I would say Sza and McLyte because their both my favorite singer and rapper.”

Can we expect more music from you in the future? 

B: “Yes you can expect more bully songs in the future from me. I’m trying to complete my first anti-bully cd/album.”

When not acting or working, what are some of your favorite things to do? 

B: “When I’m not acting or working I created a Brianni Walker Stop Bullying Me  Non-Profit Organization 501 © 3. I love skateboarding, swimming, doing tiktok, reading, makeup tutorials, zoom movies with friends, hanging out with my bestie Sofia Chicorelli-Serna.”

What message do you have for your fans? 

B:What message I have for my fans is letting them know that I’m truly honored knowing that my fans rock with me.  Its not enough thank you to say in words for you choosing me.  Remember to always hold your head up, be proud of yourself.  Surround yourself with positive people.  Never let anyone discourage you for following your dreams. You’re worthy to achieve your goals.  And most of all the Devil doesn’t deserve your tears so don’t allow him to hold your past in bondage.”

Where can we follow your amazing journey? 

B: “You can follow me on:

Loryn Maul- Entertainment/Celebrity Reporter– Is an entertainment reporter at New Scene, where she writes about exclusive interviews. She prides herself on staying on top of the entertainment trends. She is also an experienced publicist in the B2B SaaS space.

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