Viral Sensation Singer Nicky Youre On Dream Collaborations And “Never Go Wrong”

We got our heads out the Sunroof!

With only a handful of songs released, Nicky Youre is quickly becoming a singer to look out for. He has received over 50 Million streams for his music on Spotify alone, after his viral collab song with dazy entitled “Sunroof”.

We had the amazing honor of talking with Nicky on fun facts about himself, going viral, and more!

When did you first realize that you wanted to pursue a music career?

N: “I started making music about five years ago with my friend in his bedroom. It quickly became something I loved to do, but it always seemed too far fetched to make it a full time thing. It wasn’t until I made my song “Sex and Lemonade” that I thought… ‘maybe I’m not so bad at music’ and that ‘maybe I can turn this into a real thing one day.’ That was the first time I made a song in that genre, and that’s when I realized that I really wanted to give music a go.”

Tell us about your amazing new single ‘Never Go Wrong’.

N:Never Go Wrong is one of my favorite songs I’ve ever worked on. I made it with David Hugo, Grant Sayler(producer), and Jbach(writer). David, Grant, and I wrote the chorus in our first session together and we quickly fell in love with the idea of the song. Then, our dear friend Jbach came to our second session and helped finish the writing and tie all the lyrics together to really bring it to life. Once we finished it, we celebrated with some post-writing sushi.

David and I related about the hopeless romanticism we feel in our lives. The song is about meeting someone that feels like they walked out of a movie and into your life. This person seems like someone that would get songs written about them because they are so lovely. They make you feel like nothing could ever go wrong in your newly found relationship with them.”

‘Sunroof’ became one of the most popular Tik Tok sounds of today. Did you expect it to go viral? What was your reaction?

N:I am very proud of Sunroof and how it has done. I definitely did not expect it to do this well on Spotify or tik tok. When I first made it, I got a feeling in my stomach that made me know it was special. It’s a feeling I think a lot of artists feel when they make something they love. I think it’s impossible to foresee a song going ‘viral,’ especially on tik tok, but I am certainly incredibly thankful it did. I couldn’t be more happy with how the song has done and all the work myself and my team has put in to it!”

If you could collab on a song with any artist, who would it be and why?

N:I think right now, I would love to collaborate with Quinn XCII, Tai Verdes, or Surfaces. I love all their vibes and the music they release. I’m really into happy, fun, and feel good music right now and they consistently put out stuff like that. I think I’d learn a lot, make some good music, and have a time while doing so.”

What is something about yourself that most of your fans don’t know?

N: “I play a mean mouth trumpet and know how to use nunchucks (kinda).”

Can we expect more music from you in the future? Maybe even an EP?

N: “Yes!! I am hoping to get an EP out this year potentially, but new music is absolutely coming 🙂 should continue to be fun, windows down type stuff!!”

What are some of your biggest goals for your music career?

N: “I want to travel and play shows all around the world at some point! I’d love to play at the Madison square garden, Coachella, red rocks amphitheater, etc!!”

Where can we follow your amazing journey?

N: You can follow me on Instagram and tik tok at nickyyoure. I’ve got to work on my Twitter game but you can follow there at nicky_youre !!”

Thanks so much for chatting with me!

Je’Kayla Crawford– Founder and Director– Je’Kayla has been a journalist for years and decided to start a publication of her own, New Scene. When not helping her team and working on the monthly issues, you can find her watching a movie on Netflix or baking using a viral Tasty recipe.

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