Teenage Singer Cmagic 5 On Stage Name, Transparency, And Future Music Goals

This young artist is clearly making her way in the music industry!

With nearly 2 Million streams on her music on Spotify alone, Cmagic5 is quickly becoming one of our favorites. Her biggest music hits so far include ‘The One’ and ‘You Don’t Know’ on her 2021 album ‘Ready to Run’.

We had the absolute honor of talking to Cmagic5 on her debut album, songwriting, and more!

What is the story behind your stage name?  

C: “It’s my vivid imagination and original ideas that made me want to think of something novel and different that led to the creation of Cmagic5. Spilling the tea here, as they say. The “C” corresponds to the initials of my first name, which I may choose to reveal sometime in the future… sshhhh. The number 5 is my lucky number, being born on the 5th day of the 5th month. The  C5 together make up the musical note. The day I came up with the name many years ago, was the first time I ever belted a C5  note vocally! It was a major milestone at the time since I was only about 7 or 8 years old! Ever since I was little, I always hoped  people would experience “magic” through the power of music.”

How would you describe your music?  

C: “While the genre of my music is pop/rock, the uniqueness of my sound is created by fusing other sub-genres into my songs. Being a lover of many genres of music, each song has its own creative journey and tells a different story exploring diverse song writing styles. When it comes to my original music, I like to give every song a different vibe with its own identity through my vocal delivery and song writing style. My writing style is vivid and direct to my listeners, conveying a positive message to smile,  prioritize yourself and succeed. I try to make my lyrics as sincere as possible and universally relatable.”

Describe your creative process. 

C: “Somehow the most honest work comes when you aren’t trying to push for something and you allow your creativity to flow. With my raw vocals, a victorious spirit, and honest storylines, I try to be as transparent as possible. I have quite a vivid imagination, which opens up the floodgates to many ideas all at once. This can be overwhelming at first, but once I organize my thoughts and emotions, everything is put into perspective. When it comes to the early stages of writing my songs, there is no specific format or golden recipe that I use every time… that’s the beauty of it! The music could come before or after the writing,  or the lyrics and melody could resonate at the same time. Each song has its own creative journey and tells a different story. Here’s  a fun fact, I get most of my song ideas in the shower!”

What/who influenced you to be a singer-songwriter?  

C: “I truly believe music chose me. My passion for singing, dancing, and acting manifested itself when I was very little with  me performing to a living room audience at the age of 5. The inspiration for writing songs was all around me and I had already  started writing melodies at the age of 6 and began performing to a larger audience. I captured anything around me that inspired  me at that age such as colors and animals and put it into a song. By the age of 10, my articulation developed as my thoughts and  emotions matured, and I had written and composed my very first original song along with an EP in just a few days titled “Destiny’s  Calling”. The lyrics were very raw, pure, and straight from the heart. My elementary school years were a challenging time for me,  being bullied. It was during this time, music became my sole companion and opened up a plethora of avenues. I grabbed my  acoustic guitar and dived deep into song writing. This was the defining moment in my life when I knew that I wanted to pursue  music for the rest of my life. Most importantly, I wanted to give back by inspiring others to feel the same magic that I experience  through music. “Destiny’s Calling” was a basement recording that led to my future professional studio recordings. There has been  no looking back ever since. I released my Debut Album “Ready to Run”, which was created and released during the pandemic.  And here I am with the first single of my next EP – “Dancing On My Heart”!”

How long does it take for you to write a song?  

C: Song writing is one of my favorite parts of the creative process! It is something I have been doing ever since I was little,  so find that it comes very naturally to me. Once I decide what experience or theme I feel like writing about, I just let my emotions  flow and I usually end up with a completed song in just a few hours. Personally, my passion for making others smile and feel good  through my music is my greatest motivation and most rewarding experience. Although I don’t write at a specific time, once I start,  I keep going so I don’t disrupt the flow.”  

If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?  

C: “I look up to so many talented artists out there. I would love to open for a Dua Lipa show!”

What is your favorite song to perform?  

C: “Ooh, love this question! While it totally depends on my mood, I would have to say “Feeling Good” by Nina Simone.  From the earlier days of my passion for music, my favorite song to perform is ‘Feeling Good’ by the one and only Nina Simone.  She has always been one of my greatest musical inspirations. “Feeling Good” was the first song I began to perform in front of large live audiences. The more I sang it, the more I began to discover my true abilities as a vocalist and began to hone the  soulfulness in my voice. Whenever I listen to this song, I just feel like my best self! If I was in a movie, this would definitely be my  opening song where I walk into the room in slow motion and the whole world around me stops and stares and that’s when I’ll be  like… “And I’m feeling gooood”. I guess you could say I have the whole scene blocked out in my head lol!”

Who helped you most in your journey so far?  

C: “My parents have been my biggest supporters since day one. At a young age, they helped me pursue my dream and  supported my passion by providing me with a strong foundation in the creative arts including dance, drama, and music. I was able  to harness and develop my acting skills further and played lead roles in yearly summer Broadway performances. They also keep  me grounded, which I am incredibly grateful for. They have supported me thus far to pursue my education in music at a young  age and today I am proud to have earned my credentials as a Classical vocalist from the world-renowned Royal Conservatory and  am able to give back to the community as a vocal mentor to students of all ages.”

Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to sing as a career?  

C: “I try to encourage aspiring artists to be their most authentic selves always! Yes, for sure be inspired by successful  artists around, but share your own light with the world and embrace what makes you unique. Always remember to take care of  yourself as an individual first, then as an artist. It is important to never give up no matter how challenging things can be and to  stay focused. Never let anyone stop you from doing what you love, including yourself. Stay hungry for your dreams, and make it  happen! Dream your dream and keep the faith!”

What’s next for Cmagic5?  

C: “Though these are unprecedented times, I hope to go on tours and travel the world, hoping it would be safe enough to  do so totally. I am also working on collaborations with international artists and producers which is very exciting. I will be releasing  my EP next year and hope to connect and vibe with a wider audience in a live setting again soon!  

I am also preparing for some international radio interviews, podcasts as well as digital magazine features. I’m excited to be  collaborating on the remix for some of my songs with different producers and establishing synergies in the future. Stay tuned and connected with me through my socials!”

Spotify: Cmagic5 | Instagram: @Cmagic5 | YouTube: Cmagic5  | Website: Cmagic5.com 

Photo Credits: Dennis @motiondphotography

Interview Conducted By: Rashida Brown

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