Music Group To Whom It May On Music Inspiration, High School, And New Album

This chart-topping band is back with a new album!

With nearly 1 Million streams on their music on Spotify alone, ‘To Whom It May’, made up of Dexas Villareal, Jonathan Jourdan, and Robb Marshall, are showing up strong to the industry. Now, they are back with the release of their Sophmore album entitled ‘Olympian Gossip’.

We had the absolute honor of talking with the group on how they got their name, favorite song on the album, and more!

When did you guys first realize that you wanted to pursue music together?

We’ve been playing music together off and on in several bands since our high school days. TWIM is the culmination of years of working on music together and cutting our teeth in the music scene.”

How did you guys come up with your band name?

When we started TWIM we wanted something that was unique yet familiar. Dex had coined the name To Whom It May for a side project of his, and we eventually just adopted that name for the new project.” 

Tell us about your amazing Sophomore album “Olympian Gossip”.

“The new album was an attempt to show what the band has been growing into since our last record ‘The Great Filter’. Much of the writing occurred in my home studio during the pandemic. I tried to become a stronger lyricist and song writer with the new album, and I feel like it really represents where I’m at mentally with song writing and storytelling.”

If you could choose your favorite song from the album, which would it be?

Right now, it would probably be ‘Safeguard’ just because it’s such a different vibe for both the album and the band. Lyrically I’m rather proud of that one as well. Times are hard right now for everyone but the world keeps spinning and we all have to keep pushing on.

“The motion underneath your feet was born without sympathy”.

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Who do you guys credit as your biggest music inspirations?

It’s hard to pin it down to one artist. We’re all fans of a vast array of styles, everything from Meshuggah to Townes Van Zandt. Really anything that has an honest vibe and grooves.”

What has been your reaction to having nearly 1 Million streams on Spotify alone?

“It’s both mind boggling and extremely humbling. The sole purpose of this band was to write and record music we ourselves love and enjoy. To know others feel the same way is truly a blessing.”

Can we expect more music from you guys in the future?

“We actually were in the studio for a couple songs that ended up on ‘Olympian Gossip’ the day our first record ‘The Great Filter’ came out. What I’m getting at is we’re always working on the next thing. I have about 20 really solid ideas that I’ll keep adding to and pulling from until album 3 production starts!”

Where can we follow your amazing journey?

“We have all of the main social media accounts, but you can find the links to all of those and to our online store at

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Je’Kayla Crawford– Founder and Director– Je’Kayla has been a journalist for years and decided to start a publication of her own, New Scene. When not helping her team and working on the monthly issues, you can find her watching a movie on Netflix or baking using a viral Tasty recipe

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