Montreal Singer Flower Face On Songwriting Process And Upcoming Album “The Shark In Your Water”

This young artist is here with a brand new project!

With over 10 Million streams on her music on just Spotify alone, this artist is truly becoming one to watch. Ruby McKinnon, known as ‘Flower Face’, is back with her newest single “Pisces Moon”, to gear up for his upcoming album “The Shark In Your Water”.

We have the amazing honor of talking with Flower Face on her new single, upcoming album, and more!

When did you first realize that you wanted to pursue a career in music?

F: “I grew up playing music — I did classical piano lessons from the time I was 5 or 6 years old, and I started writing songs when I was 14. I was always a huge music fan. My dad would take me to see the bands I loved and wait around with me all night so I could meet them after the show. I always imagined someday being to other young music fans what those artists were to me. It never seemed like a realistic career path. I was in high school releasing albums online but thinking it was just a hobby, something I did on the side while I figured out my “real” career. Then, when I was 17, I faced a life-threatening illness and realized that the stupidest thing I could do would be to waste my short time on earth doing anything other than the thing I love. So I made the choice to write songs forever, or as long as my brain will allow me to.”

What inspired you to create your music name ‘Flower Face’?

F: Flower Face is the nickname my grandma gave me when I was a little kid. She said that when I smiled my face bloomed like a flower. It stuck throughout my life and when I wanted to release my first song on Bandcamp, I knew right away that’d be my “stage name”.”

Tell us about your new single ‘Pisces Moon’.

F: “Pisces Moon is one of my favorite songs on the album. It was always a sad, cinematic ballad, even in the demo stage, but the way it came to life in the studio with the string arrangements makes me so happy. This song is about walking the line between being true to yourself and your heart, and throwing away your pride and dignity for somebody who doesn’t deserve it. I’m a big proponent of honesty and vulnerability and love letters and confessing your feelings even when you know they’re unrequited… there’s something beautiful about it. But there have definitely been times where I’ve gone too far and regretted bleeding my feelings out to someone who didn’t respect me or my heart. There’s no real answer in the song; I don’t have an answer. But it’s trying to explore that struggle.”

What is your usual songwriting process?

F: “I hit an A minor chord and the rest is in God’s hands.”

Can you tell us anything about your upcoming album “The Shark In Your Water”?

F:It’s big and dark and feels like the climactic scene of a really melodramatic movie. It (hopefully) has something for everyone.”

What advice can you give to young girls wanting to pursue music?

F: “Don’t let men talk down to you. Don’t let them take advantage of your kindness or nervousness. Don’t make concessions to avoid conflict (ie, don’t let anyone get away with not paying you for your talent). Keep going even if you feel like no one’s listening, or that what you’re doing is self indulgent and embarrassing. I barrel through those feelings on a constant basis. If you have one person tell you that your music affected them in some way, you have a reason to keep going. So keep going.”

When not working on your music, what are some of your favorite things to do?

F: “I love reading. My favorite part of my apartment is my cozy little reading corner. I have a really comfortable rocking chair and a nice lamp and my big bookshelf that’s probably going to collapse soon cause it’s so full. I try to dedicate at least an hour a day to reading. Aside from that, I watch a lot of movies, and I go for a lot of walks. I also love cooking and I make a lot of pasta. I don’t go out a whole lot or do anything crazy. My life is pretty simple. I like it that way.”

Where can we follow your amazing journey?

F: “Social media wise, I like Instagram, because I’m a visual person. I’m still trying to understand TikTok. You can also check my website, — but I’m most active on Instagram: @flowerfacemusic!”

Je’Kayla Crawford– Founder and Director– Je’Kayla has been a journalist for years and decided to start a publication of her own, New Scene. When not helping her team and working on the monthly issues, you can find her watching a movie on Netflix or baking using a viral Tasty recipe.

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