Influencer Stacey Dineen On Her Reality Show Journey And Newest Single “Ghost Of You”

This influencer just made her music mark!

She first came to the limelight after winning the amazing reality show “The Fashion Hero”. Now, she’s taking a new direction by releasing her new single “Ghost of You”.

We had the amazing honor of talking with Stacey on being a mentor, advice, and more!

Stacey, what a whirlwind of wins you have had lately, from “ The Fashion Hero” winner,  to the recent drop of your latest single “ Ghost of You”. There are exciting events in the works for you right now. But could we start from the very beginning, where did your love for music come from? 

S:My love for music came from Hannah Montana! It was my favorite show growing up and I used to listen to her music all of the time. I knew every word to every song and even pretended to have my own concerts in my room. That’s where my original interest in music came from.”

How was the experience of being in “The Fashion Hero”?  

S: The fashion hero was amazing! I got to do what I love while working next to a Backstreet boy and having an amazing time. Filming for TV shows is exciting especially when it has such a powerful message like the fashion hero. They’re my second family and every second with them is a second I’ll ever forget. I feel proud spreading my message and helping people.”

How was the journey towards getting into the reality show? 

S: “The journey was fun! Not knowing if I was going to get cast was nerve wracking but I always knew if it was supposed to happen it would, so it did. I’ve always believed in the message and Caroline the creator is such a kind hearted soul and I’m so happy to see her being her ideas to life, I feel privileged and proud to share moments of my life with her.”

This year you will become a mentor for one of the participants in the show, are you excited? Do you have any expectations? What do you feel you will bring to the table as a  mentor? 

S:Absolutely! We are filming in South Africa so that alone has me excited. I have many expectations! But mostly to spread a nice message and give people self love. As a mentor I know I can start a fire within people, a fire that will make them love who they are or go on a journey to do that. I can walk along beside them in their shoes while showing them that failure is okay, and without failure there is no success.”

Breaking with stereotypes, and fashion norms is something you have been very vocal about. What is your message to other women who might not feel mainstream fashion paradigms speak to them? 

S: “You do not need to fit into jeans, the jeans are made to fit you. You don’t need to look like anyone. You are beautiful and perfect the way you are. You’re unique and nobody on this planet will ever look exactly like you and that is so special. In a world where you can be anything, be yourself. Media is not real, you are.” 

 If you could change one thing about the fashion industry today, what would it be?

S: Casting requirements for runway shows. I don’t think people should have to be a certain weight or height to walk in clothing, it just adds to the never ending problem that we are trying to change. Put everyone on the runway.”

 You just debuted your single “Ghost of You”. Could you tell us a little bit more about the process involving the creation of the single? What inspired you to write this one?

S: “I went through a bad breakup last year and ghost of you was written at a time when I was most vulnerable. I was emotional, lonely and just refusing to let go of the thought of my ex. Hence the name ghost of you because physically he was no longer with me. It’s about holding on to the remaining fragments of a relationship.”

Ghost of You is probably the first hit of the EP you said you would release this year. Is there a through-line/topic that will unite all the songs in the EP?  

S: “Yes! My EP will be a breakup album and each song will represent a time during the relationship. Falling in love, getting together, slowly fading and then the break up and the aftermath.”

What advice do you have to any young women getting involved in the music industry right now?  

S: “Make sure your music is you. Don’t make music to please other people. Write from the heart and enjoy the process! Don’t compare yourself to others and cherish your art.”

Stacey, we know you are from Ireland. How do you think this influences your art and music?  

S: “Ireland is not a very “dream big country” a lot of people don’t have a drive to chase their dreams, that’s what fuels me to chase mine. I won’t settle for anything less than what I’m working towards.” 

How do you see yourself in 10 years? 

S: “I see myself happy. That is all I will ever want.”

Jojo GentilEntertainment/ Celebrity  Reporter- Joaquina (Jojo) is a Latinx actress, podcaster, writer, producer, and creative, who trained in France and in the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, where she also has been working in Production and in the Industry Relations Department for the past 3 years. She is a bit of a traveler and adventurer, having lived around the world. In her free time, Jojo loves watching Formula 1, going Wine Tasting, hiking, and watching a good episode of a crime show. 

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