Singer-Songwriter Arden Jones On Music Inspiration And New EP “age tape 2”

This young artist is back with even more music!

You most likely started to become obsessed with Arden after his viral bop “Parallel Parking”. Over 20 Million streams later, Arden is back with his newest EP ‘age tape 2’.

We had the amazing honor of talking with Arden on favorite song, upcoming music, and more!

Q: When did you first realize that you wanted to pursue a career in music?

A: “I’ve known since I was young, but I didn’t really comprehend it being a reality until I was 17 or

that was when I started to see kids on the Internet that were my age make a career out of music.”

Q: Tell us about your newest EP “Age Tape 2”.

A:Age tape 2 was different… I wanted to show people some diversity while keeping my sound as the main focus. I think there are so many great genres of music out there and I wanted to do what I could to blend some. All three songs were made in rooms with talented producers so it was great having a third party in the making of this tape.”

Q: If you had to choose, what would be your favorite song off of the tape and why?

A: “The Other Side was my favorite song off the tape because it came together randomly with my buddies Josh Apple and Dosey. They are both super talented musicians and we were just freestyling with a keyboard. After we caught the melody we knew we had to actually make the whole thing.”

Q: What has been your reaction to receiving millions of streams on your music?

A: “I’m honestly so grateful for it every single day. Sometimes I stop and have to actually think about it and every time I do I realize how lucky I am to have people who enjoy listening to my music. Without every single one of those people I wouldn’t be able to do what I love so it’s crazy.”

Q: If you could collab on a song/track with any artist, who would it be and why?

A: “I think people might know my answer and it’s gotta be Dominic Fike. He’s so talented and has such an influence on me and my journey as an artist so I would be honored to get in a room with him.

Q: Can you give us a hint of what you’re releasing next month?

A: “Next month is going to be really exciting… All three tracks are some of my favorites ever and one of them I know some people are waiting on so that’s exciting.”

Q: What is your songwriting process usually like? 

A: “I write in a lot of different ways and I don’t really have a particular favorite. Hanging out with my friends when I’m having fun is great because songs come together naturally and it’s just a vibe. But a lot of the songs that I’ve put out today came together when I was on my own.”

Q: When not working on new music, what are some of your favorite things to do?

A: “When I’m not making music I like to hang with my friends at the beach and go do crazy stuff outside. I grew up in California near the ocean so I’ve kind of just kept doing what I’ve always done.”

Q: What are some of your biggest goals? Maybe a tour in the future?

A: “I have a few goals like headlining a tour and certain festivals that would be super cool… But I am already achieving one by supporting Thomas Headon on the West Coast in early April. I’m super excited for that and he is so good so it’ll be fun to watch. Go get tickets and I’ll see you there.”

Q: Where can we follow your amazing journey?

A: “I’m just Arden Jones on social media and Spotify:)”

Je’Kayla Crawford– Founder and Director– Je’Kayla has been a journalist for years and decided to start a publication of her own, New Scene. When not helping her team and working on the monthly issues, you can find her watching a movie on Netflix or baking using a viral Tasty recipe.

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