“Cheaper By The Dozen” Actors Christian And Sebastian Cote Talk About The Reboot

These twins are so talented!

You might have recently started to follow Sebastian and Christian after their hilarious roles as ‘Bronx’ and ‘Bailey’ in the new Disney reboot film ‘Cheaper By The Dozen’. You might’ve also seen them in Hulu’s ‘Monsterland’.

We had the amazing honor of talking with the twins on their new characters, their hobbies, and more!

Q: How did you first get interested in becoming an actor?

“When we were younger, people would tell our parents that they should submit our photos to talent agencies. So when we were 3, our mom did and we both got signed. After our first booking, we loved it.

Q: What do you love about your character in the Disney+ Original movie Cheaper by the Dozen?

S: “I love that Bronx is a little clumsy like me. I also like that there are stunts!

C: “I love that Bailey thinks that he’s clever and he tries so hard to get out of trouble.”

Q: Who do you consider to be your favorite actor?

S: I really like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson because he’s so strong and in a lot of action movies he does some of his own stunts.”

C: “I have a few, but I like Lin-Manuel Miranda because he sings, acts, and writes songs.”  

Q: Do you have a fun memory from being on set that you can share?

S: “I really liked learning the TikTok dance with my castmates and watching Mr. Zach [Braff] try to do it.” 

C:One day in the middle of a scene, I lost a tooth and everyone cheered for me!”

Q: If you weren’t an actor, what would you be up to right now?

S: “If I weren’t an actor, I would be doing what I do when I’m not working – school and playing video games.”

C:Our parents keep us in a lot of sports, so I’d probably be shooting some baskets or scoring some goals.”

Q: If you had a magic wand, what movie or TV series would you like to be a part of?

S: “I’d want to be on the TV show Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn. They are quads! It’s like 2 sets of twins and they are always getting into trouble. As for a movie, I’d want to be in Fast & Furious with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.”

C: “If I had a magic wand, I’d want to be in Hamilton, or something scary like Are You Afraid of the Dark?


Q: What was your experience like in Hulu’s Monsterland?

S: It was a great experience. It was a project we didn’t play twins, instead, we shared the same role, so that was nice.”

C: It was cool, but we didn’t really see each other because when one of us was filming, the other was in school or something. So it was different because we are used to seeing each other all the time.”

Q: When you aren’t acting, what are some of your favorite things to do?

S: We love playing video games and sports like basketball and lacrosse. I am also learning how to use my DJ turntables.”

C:I like video games and sports too. But I also enjoy cooking, playing chess and playing with my friends.”

Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?

S: I’d like to keep acting, but I really want to be a DJ like Marshmello!”

C: “I want to be a doctor, actor, and chef. Yep, all of them!”

Q: Where can we follow your amazing journey?

“Our IG is: @thecote_twins 

Photo Credits: Teren Oddo

Loryn Maul- Entertainment/Celebrity Reporter– Is an entertainment reporter at New Scene, where she writes about exclusive interviews. She prides herself on staying on top of the entertainment trends. She is also an experienced publicist in the B2B SaaS space.

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