Exclusive: ‘Riverdale’s Kyra Leroux On Season 6, Musical Theatre, And Dream Role

This triple-threat is headed to Riverdale!

Known for her incredible talents in both dancing and acting, Kyra is definitely not a stranger to the big screen. Her amazing roles include Jess alongside Jojo Siwa in Paramount Plus’s “The J Team” and as ‘Carrie’ in “Schmigadoon!”

We had the absolute honor of talking with Kyra on her dream role, a fun behind the scenes story, and more!

Q: When did you first find your love of acting?

K: I first started out in Musical Theatre and dance when I was 4 years old. When I was 8 I played Peter Pan in a production of Peter Pan and I remember being so thrilled by the imagination in that story. When I think of my best childhood memories, I remember performing up on stage. Another great childhood memory is when I played Ariel in the Little Mermaid. After the show, a little girl came up to me and thought I was the real Ariel! It was one of the first moments where I saw first-hand how a story can affect someone so profoundly, no matter what age. Stories teach us about ourselves and allow us to reflect and learn. Seeing how happy I made that little girl that day made me realize I want to tell stories and make people happy for the rest of my life!”

Q: What has been your favorite role so far?

K: “I honestly love playing Britta. Her confidence, curiosity, and strength in handling the situations she’s put into make her such a unique character. There isn’t a lot of representation for the fierce young women who play sports on TV, especially LGBTQ+ women, so I feel really honored to be able to bring that to life. Also, in a whimsical show like Riverdale, there is so much room to play and have fun! I’ve gotten to step into so many different roles by playing just one! I’ve gotten to mine, cast spells, be somewhat of a Hermione Granger in Rivervale, appear in different eras, sing and dance… and of course there’s nothing like sprinting down a football field covered in mud at 2am! Like we say on set: it’s Riverdale. Anything can happen!”

Q: Are you excited for the world to see more Britta Beach in Riverdale?

K: “YES!!! I can’t wait for the world to see what season 6 brings for Britta. I can’t say much… but I can promise some exciting adventures with Cheryl in both Rivervale and Riverdale ;)”

Q: Do you have a favourite experience so far in this industry?

K: “My favorite experience so far has probably been filming The J Team for Paramount Plus. It was such an accepting and energetic environment filled with passionate people. I feel like JoJo’s message of inclusivity and embracing your uniqueness really translated to the way we all treated each other on set. Another great thing about The J Team were the dance numbers which were absolutely magical to film! I grew up in competitive dance, so I really felt at home filming all the dance competition scenes. Our energy was high throughout the whole process, but those days were next level! 

My favorite memory from The J Team is on our very last day of filming, we were filming one last take of the final number, D.R.E.A.M., and at the very end of the number, the crew surprised us with a whole bunch of confetti cannons! We finished the number, the cannons went off, then we did a huge group huddle and started chanting “J Team!” before the director called cut for the very last time. What’s awesome is that our reactions to the confetti and our group cheer actually made it into the movie!! 

Q: Do you prefer roles where you can use your dancing talent?

K: “I love challenging roles where I’m able to utilize all of my training! I of course love a good drama, and I hope to be in shows of all genres throughout my career, but there’s nothing like an energetic musical number where you can truly leave your whole heart on the stage (or set)!”

Q: If you could star in any show with any actress, who would it be and why?

K: “I would star in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel with Kate McKinnon. Honestly, that show has everything I need in a show and more! It’s a dramedy so it’s got real life stakes and complications mixed with hilarious jokes and circumstances. It’s got beautiful and funny family dynamics, complicated relationships, and tackles the challenges of being an opinionated, strong woman with incredible wit (thanks to the marvelous Rachel Brosnahan who stars in the show). Plus it’s a period piece which I LOVE. I’m super into vintage clothing in my real life so getting to wear the beautiful dresses and outfits worn on that show would be a dream come true. I think my goal in life is to dress more like Midge Maisel every day haha. As for the Kate McKinnon part, she’s hilarious and I feel like she’d be so fun to work with. Although I don’t know if I could get any real work done around her! One of my guilty pleasures is to stay up late watching her SNL skits on YouTube. Comedy Genius!”

Q: What are your biggest goals for your career?

K: “My biggest goal is probably to star in a show where I can act, dance AND sing!  I would also love to be in a group sitcom like New Girl, and a dramatic feature film. My goal is to have a really well-rounded career in acting…I want to do everything! Honestly at this point, I’m keeping an open mind about my future. I don’t want to close any doors because who knows what kind of possibilities are out there! Maybe I’ll star in my own show, maybe I’ll be the comic relief, maybe I’ll pull a Zendaya and go from YA shows to blockbuster movies, or maybe Broadway comes calling! I don’t know what’s in store for my future and that’s really exciting to me! I’m just trying to take my life and career one step at a time while working really hard and enjoying the process.”

Q: Where can we follow you on your amazing journey?

K: “You can follow me on Instagram and Tik Tok @kyra_leroux.”

See you there! 😉

Interview Written and Conducted By: Je’Kayla Crawford


Je’Kayla Crawford– Founder and Head Entertainment Reporter– Je’Kayla has been a journalist for years and decided to start a publication of her own, New Scene. When not helping her team and working on the monthly issues, you can find her watching a movie on Netflix or baking using a viral Tasty recipe.

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