Pop Sensation GAYLE On Ladylike Struggle, Genuine Friendships, And New Single

This 17-year-old singer is taking the world by storm!

With nearly 1 Million streams on her music per month, GAYLE is truly becoming a pop sensation. The singer-songwriter has always made her music true to herself and her personal experiences.

We had the absolute honor on fake friends, what she would say to her past self, and her favorite song so far.

Advisement: Interview Uses Cussing Language

Q: How did the invisible line of being “ladylike” affect how you worked your life?

G: “Being an acceptable young girl affected every aspect of who I was as a person growing up. I wanted to be sociable but not too much of a party girl. Opinionated but not too outspoken. Pretty but not too intimidating. I wanted to stand out but not to the point where I could receive judgment. I was a people pleaser trying to please everybody but myself and that’s not a great combo long term.”

GAYLE Press Photo 1 PC: LUKE ROGERS.jpg

Q: Did the fear of not being thought of as a lady affect your mental health? What would you tell a young girl about the line of being a lady?

G: “No, I mean I’m an insecure bitch but that’s because I’m seventeen, not because of anything to do with being ladylike. I would say do what makes you happy.”

Q: When you went into the music industry, did you have any fears about success?

G: “Honestly I never had any fears about getting successful I had fears about not being successful.”

Q: Did you notice a difference in how people treated you, after you started writing what you wanted to?

G: “I distanced myself from quite a few people in my life, because I realized they weren’t genuine friends. To be completely honest, I went through a very lonely period in my life but during that time I figured out what was important to me and who I wanted to be. Then I started meeting new people when I was really making a point to be exactly myself. The ones who stuck around then became true friendships because I was actually genuinely being myself and so were they!”

Q: What was your decision process on stopping the way you let people treat you, and what would you say to someone who wants to stop being treated the way they’re treated? 

G: “I purposely surround myself with people who accept me for exactly who I am. It took a second to figure out who I am and how to stay strong inside that.  I also am aware of the fact that I am constantly growing and changing as a person everyday and I just allow myself room for growth and try and push myself to grow as a better person. I’ve had many friend groups and quite a few have treated me like shit, honestly. It’s about sticking with the people who stick with you for exactly who you are because those are the friendships that last.”


Q: If you could talk to younger you, what would you say?

G: “You’re a judgmental bitch and you should have more of an open mind.”

Q: What would you say is your biggest struggle with being in the music industry at 17?

G: “People kept thinking they had the right to tell me what to do and tell me what to say just because they were older but then I just stopped writing with those people and found people who gave me the freedom to let me say what I wanted to say.”

Q: Do you have a favorite song you’ve written? If so, what is it, and why?

G: “I like all the songs I’ve released for different reasons but currently I would say my abcdefu because I always love a good opportunity to tell my ex to fuck off :)”

Catch GAYLE on tour now!

Interview Conducted By: Solstice Reanne

Photo Credits: Steve Rogers

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