“You” Actress Shannon Chan-Kent Talks New Character, Living In Vancouver, And Dream Role

This extreme triple-threat is about to make her debut on our favorite Netflix show!

Shannon is definitely not a stranger to the industry. She’s followed us from our childhood, voicing the lovable ‘My Little Pony’s Pinkie Pie. And, she’s still with us in our teen/young adult ages with incredible roles, including Ruby in Freeform’s “Good Trouble” and now Kiki in Netflix’s “You”.

My name is Scarlett Sanchez, from News Scene TV. Today I am honor to talk with the very talented actress Shannon Chan-Kent. Lets begin!

Q: What inspired you to begin a career in the entertainment industry?

S:What inspired me to begin a career in the Entertainment industry was actually something I felt my whole life. There are many artists and performers in my family so it was always something that I have been surrounded by and was encouraged throughout my childhood. Although I had  other passions and interests, I knew in my gut that a performer’s life was the one for me.”

Q: Congratulations on your new role on the upcoming season of You, how would you describe your character, Kiki?

S: “Thank you so much!! As an actress, it’s rare to be cast in one of your favorite shows so I am completely over the moon to be involved with YOU this season. I would describe my character Kiki as loyal, cheeky, people-pleasing and maybe a tiny bit nosy ;)”

Q: What was it like working on the set of a top Netflix tv series? 

S: “It felt surreal to work on YOU for many reasons. Like I had said before, I was already a fan of the show but also getting to work on the WB lot has always been a dream of mine. Every time I was pulling up to the lot I had mini celebrations for 15 year old Shannon, who was spiritually high fiving me. There were a few pinch me moments that I’ll never forget..I’m extremely grateful. That being said, I’ve always treated every job I do as equal. Our set was like any other set I’ve been on. Everyone worked long, hard hours, we were outside a lot, due to Covid protocols, and the stakes were high shooting during such an unknown and unpredictable time in the world.

Q: You are considered an icon in the voice acting realm, what is your favorite memory during your time voicing “Pinkie Pie” in almost every My Little Pony Franchise?

S:That’s very kind of you to say… I’ve been voice acting since I was 12 and the novelty still hasn’t worn off. It’s literally the best job in the world – for me at least. One of my favorite memories of singing for Pinkie Pie was actually recording the demos with my friend and composer Daniel Ingram. There was a song called Winter Wrap Up, where I sang all 6 core pony parts. The demo was sent in for approval and without us knowing, the studio ended up animating it because they thought it was the finished product with all 6 different voice actresses singing. I thought that was pretty funny and kinda neat.”

 Q: How do you prepare for a new role? Do you have any rituals? 

S: “In preparing for a new role I always try to get in the head and world of the character I’m playing as much as possible. I play with story a lot, making up scenarios and imagining how my character would act or respond physically and emotionally. Your imagination is like any other muscle – it has to be exercised and used.” 

Q: What is a dream type of character or show you would like to be part of?

S: “A dream show or role I would like to play or be on would be Midge Maisel on the Marvelous Mrs Maisel. I also would love to be on a show like Big Little Lies or White Lotus. I find the relationships and characters on those shows are so multi-layered and nuanced.”

Q: With a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Opera, how would you say singing and music plays a role in your life? 

S: “Singing and music will always be my first and forever love. Singing to me is like breathing. I’m always seeking out roles where I can exercise my passion for voice and music.”

Q: Along with your acting and singing career, what led you to become a sculpt teacher?

 S: “From a very young age movement has been a huge part of my life. I feel free when I’m dancing or working out. My anxiety immediately lowers and the rest of the world falls away. I have always thought about teaching fitness in some way and it never felt right until I had a teacher approach me and ask if I was interested. I was moving to LA the year I started teaching and I thought what better way to make friends, move my body and have a little side hustle than to do teacher training in a new city! It was serendipitous the way it came together. Also teaching sculpt feels like performing so it felt like the two went hand in hand.”

Q:  You have so much success in the entertainment industry, what advice would you give to your younger self that you feel would help others with similar aspirations? 

 S: “Thank you for saying that. I’m constantly learning and unlearning what “success” means to me…. What would I tell my younger self and others? I would say that age is just a number, nothing is more important than your physical and mental well being and that you are enough, always have been and always will be.”

Fun Fast Questions for Shannon!

 Q: What is your favorite part about living in Vancouver? 

S: “My favorite part of living in Vancouver is my family and best friends – the community. Moving away from home and shooting in a pandemic really put things into perspective. Also TURF, where I teach and eat most of my meals lol”

Q: What can instantly bring a smile to your face? 

“My dog Charlie!! He is the apple of my family’s eye…he can literally do no wrong and gets smothered 24/7 by love.”

Q: How do you maintain balance as you strive in your career? 

S: BALANCE? Who needs balance?? Balance is something I am constantly striving for, I’m also a Libra so that makes sense. I am someone who needs to be alone a lot and recharge my batteries. On the other hand, being with people I love also recharges my batteries so it’s about finding the happy medium for me.”

Q: Where can we find you to keep up with you and your journey?  

S: “You can find me on instagram @Shannonckent. I’m not crazy active on there all the time but I like to pop on and share what’s happening in my life or what’s on my mind.”

Thank you so much again for having me and I hope you enjoy S3 of YOU!

Thank you for joining us today, Shannon! And for all of you at home, you can keep up with all the latest news and interviews right here at New Scene TV. You can see Shannon on the new season of You coming out October 15th! 

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