Award-Winning Author and Actress To Release New Book “The Night The Moon Went Out”

If this new children’s book if anything like her last, we’ll take twelve!

Actress and Award-Winning Author Samantha Baines recently announced the release of her new children’s book “The Night The Moon Went Out”. The story of the kids book is described as follows.

“Aneira is a hearing-aid wearer and she is super scared of the dark. When the moon suddenly goes out one night, Aneira is on a mission to turn it back on! With the help of her owl friend, she sets off on a journey to fix the moon and overcome her fear. This powerful story features beautiful black-and-white illustrations by Lucy Rogers.”

I thought it had changed my life for the worse': Actress Samantha Baines on  hearing loss and tinnitus in her 30s

The book is set to release as a Bloomsbury Reader on August 19, 2021. The book is definitely a shoo in for the next awards season, given her last popular book “Harriet Versus The Galaxy” won several awards, including the 2021 Coventry Inspiration Book Awards. Check out Samantha’s Social media for frequent book updates!

Prices: Paperback- £6.99 EBook £5.59

 Follow Samantha on Twitter @samanthabaines.

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